Finally some common sense on coastal development

Maybe in the future, home owners will not be allowed to rebuild on the shore:

One can only hope. Every inch of shoreline from Maine to Florida should be a public beach, not private land.

And all future development should be at least a couple of hundred yards from shore - maybe more depending on elevation.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-21-2013, 02:58 PM
Maybe in the future, home owners will not be allowed to rebuild on the shore:

One can only hope. Every inch of shoreline from Maine to Florida should be a public beach, not private land.

And all future development should be at least a couple of hundred yards from shore - maybe more depending on elevation. Originally Posted by ExNYer

when Jindal gets sand bars built in 100 feet of water all along the coastline the country will be just fine ..

chefnerd's Avatar
What it sort of looks like, is that after all the mapping is done, they want to form something that resembles a multi-state version of the California Coastal Commission. Or at least what the CCC says they are supposed to about on their website.