To knock or not to knock so damn hard!!!!

I had a great day. I met some great and interesting people. So by reading the rest, oh you can figure it out.....

Here's my question to providers: How do you feel about clients who don't just knock on your door, they literally bang on your door? This is one of my biggest pet peeves. I mean I can deal with a client that does not know directions and you have to explain what left, right, north, east, south and west means, but when they get to your door (BTW, I am already expecting you) they feel like they have to blow the house down. Just curious.....

For the hobbyist: Are you uncomfortable either not knocking or just knocking slightly? If so, what is uncomfortable about knocking quietly? I would appreciate your feedback.

Kisses, Ms. Brooke
pmdelites's Avatar
sounds like they need to go to colombia and get a lesson in how to open and close doors!
many of the colombians i met a few months ago abhor slamming of doors as well as banging on doors.

just politely let your gentlemen callers [if i can use such a term for someone as you describe] know that a simple knock is sufficient as you recently had a hearing exam and the doc said all was fine!

methinks you left out a third choice:
() i'm comfortable knocking a simple knock - it is what i usually do!

btw, banging is for other activities :^)
It irks me.

Especially at a hotel. Especailly if you didn't win the hotel lottery and they put some noisy, loud person in the room across from you. EEk!
Providers, when we call from the parking lot, get the room/apt. number, you know we'll be there less than 5 minutes so I sure don't knock're expecting us. I've had Providers open the door before I even get a chance to knock; they watch for me thru the peephole.
Just sayin', if you want to avoid the loud knock, watch for him.
definitely a fan and user of the "soft knock". Especially when visiting at a hotel ... last thing in the world I want to do is call undue attention to either myself or the hotel guest.
agreed on the third choice !!!!!
It seems like the obvious choice. Who knows what goes through the hard knockers mind.
  • Sami
  • 04-14-2011, 08:41 AM
I have a doorbell that works, but have had some knock so loud, it scares the hell out of me. So I now wait at the door and open as they walk up.

I prefer not to have my neighbors looking out there peephole seeing you. Be discreet please..
Sierra977's Avatar
This is right up there with slamming the door of my car. Just plain rude. Not necessary, not appreciated and I do remember.

rachet3375's Avatar
I like the light tap option cuz I am pretty sure you know I am coming. I have even had some gals leave their hotel door held ajar prior to my arrival. Got mixed emotions on that but I usually tap & walk in anyway.
Sleepy363's Avatar
get a wireless doorbell like this :

and instruct them not to knock, but to use the doorbell. They are portable, and you can take them with you to any incall if you move, including hotel rooms and such.
I knock lightly then stand back so she can see me through the door viewer. I stay there until she opens the door and I get a look so I can decide whether or not to bolt.
elgato111's Avatar
In the absence of a door bell I knocked lightly on the door. I have noticed that most providers I visit at private apts know when I should be walking up to the door and are looking out the peephole for me and usually open the door without me knocking or ringing the bell. A loud knock is not only rude but can draw too much attention from neighbors, especially if it happens several times during the day and night.
I agree banging on the door is unnecessary and rude. So is leaving a guy out on your front doorstep for an extended amount of time. Trust me, 30 seconds out there feels like 20 minutes.
Bobave's Avatar
get a wireless doorbell like this :

and instruct them not to knock, but to use the doorbell. They are portable, and you can take them with you to any incall if you move, including hotel rooms and such. Originally Posted by still-asleep
Damn, that's cool.