is it sexual harrassment

Working in professional environment, sprinkled with attractive woman, I always am on my best behavior. One of the funny things I noticed, is some of the really built woman dress in a very sexy manner, and I make a very conscious effort to talk the face and keep eye contact. And NOT check out their bodies.

Despite my efforts, I find that when they are talking to me, in the corner of my eyes, they are pulling on the wardrobe in an effort to cover themselves better. Like tugging on their blouse when it can't cover their cleavage, and pulling in the skirt that can't cover the knee.

In a professional environment, can I say, "stop messing with your wardrobe, and go with it baby", would that be sexual harassment. (this is when I tell the forum, don't take me too seriously)

Advice - Suggestions - it is killing me, like a juicy wiggly worm in front of bass, and when they're tugging on their clothes, I am really focusing on their eyes, really.
Good example of the great office double standard....the busty female who wears low cut tops will blow you in if you even glance toward her cleavage. Amazing what women can get away with ...
You canNOT even comment on it. Don't do it!!
They can dress like that but the first sighn of someone "making them uncomfortable" spells trouble for you!
Put it this way, in the workplace don't say anything that you wouldn't want printed on the front page of the newspaper or, anything you wouldn't want anyone to say to your own daughter.
I long ago even gave up on making compliments of any kind. No more, "I like the way you did your hair", "You look very fit, what kind of exercise are you doing", "Your heaving breasts give me wood."....

Say nothing. Look only at the eyes. If the woman has a lower cut to her blouse and is sitting down when you come in, sit down immediately in the furthest chair.

The system is totally rigged to fuck you over.

Frankly one of the joys of being with a provider is the relief that you can pay her a compliment without worrying about getting turned in.

I see a new class of sex worker emerging. Her only service is to let you talk to her without worrying about losing your job if you say the wrong thing.... oh wait, they've got those.
  • Aguy
  • 07-03-2012, 10:03 AM
Among other guidelines I use is if you have to ask the question "should I" then you shouldn't.
These women are completely aware of the effect that thier wardrobe has on the guys in the office. Don't doubt that for a second. Its about getting attention, and the thrill of catching you checking them out. It's a source of self validation and and a test of their power over men. Even the adjusting of the wardrobe can be a subtle, even subconscious means to attract the attention that they're looking for.

That said, if you say anything whatsoever, you risk increasing their thrill-level to one that comes aftrer making a complaint to HR. Don't do it.

Having been through EEOC sensitivity/sexual harrassment training for my job, telling someone that their hair looks nice or that they look like they lost a lot of weight probably won't get you written up, but anythiong beyond that (or below the neck) just might.
My friends and always have the argument, why did she wear that outfit that barely covers herself and then try to cover herself up?

In the workplace I say nothing that is not job related. Don't look, don't touch, don't say anything. No one says i can't have my perverse thought though!
cowboy8055's Avatar
What constitutes sexual harassment is very hard to define. It has nothing to do with what us guys think. It depends on the recipient. You could make the same remark to 5 different women and get 5 different responses. Women usually like compliments as long as they are respectfully given. There's a big difference between "you're smokin hot babe" and " you look really lovely today." If a respectful compliment gets you in trouble then she's probably a head case. As far as not breaking eye contact with a woman who shows lots of cleavage, ya right. If you're advertising what you have then I'm checking it out. That doesn't mean I stare at her boobs but I will glance occasionally and don't really care if I get caught. Like I said most women love a nice respectful compliment. I have never gotten in trouble doing it.
thanks. great advice, for the most I think I am safe, i trying to figure out is it because

1) they feel guilty around me,
2) they are trying to get me to look
3) or they can see right through me

anyway, that's why I love the hobby,

I wish I could I put up sign at work, "sexual harassment desired here" on my office door. EOV (equal opportunity victim). Someday, I want to do an office fantasy with a provider.

Take care everyone, and have a great 4th, i will be out of cel range in my rural abode with my three boys, will have shoot out, and menace the vermin.
FlyboyNY's Avatar
I have always found that women that dress that way at the office are usually looking for one or maybe two particular mens attention. So when any other man makes a comment she doesn't like she gets upset and will make a complaint. Escpecially if the guy she is trying to lure in has not paid attention to her efforts. Careful out there guys,
I have always found that women that dress that way at the office are usually looking for one or maybe two particular mens attention. So when any other man makes a comment she doesn't like she gets upset and will make a complaint. Escpecially if the guy she is trying to lure in has not paid attention to her efforts. Careful out there guys, Originally Posted by FlyboyNY
This reminds me of the one liner:

"Sexual Harassment laws were written to protect women from ugly men."

But to keep things in perspective, once we leave the work force for the retirement home, we get to be men again.

In a nursing home one evening, two elderly residents,
a man and a woman, were sitting alone in the lobby.

The old man looked over and said to the old lady,
``I know just what you`re wanting, for $5 I`ll have
sex with you right over there in that rocking chair.``

The old lady looked surprised but didn`t say a word.

The old man continued, ``For $10 I`ll do it with you
on that nice soft sofa over there, but for $20 I`ll
take you back to my room, light some candles, and
give you the most romantic evening you`ve ever had
in your life.``

The old lady still says nothing but after a couple
minutes, starts digging down in her purse. She pulls
out a wrinkled $20 bill and holds it up.

``So you want the nice romantic evening in my room,``
says the old man.

Get serious``, she replies. ``Four times in the
rocking chair.``
when women always ask that question these days

"gee,,,,where have all the MEN gone"..

its this political correctness CRAP , guys just say FUCK IT ,, it aignt worth the hassle, theres too much bullshit in life now to spin the roulette wheel,,, ill just go buy something and be done with it ,

cant have it both ways ladies

you really can boil all this political correctness crap down to all the loosers , both male and female, that grown up with major issues of jealousy cause for some reason or other they didnt find a way to compete in this world,,, that THEY,,, feel is "FAIR",
and most times instead of just saying, hey, ill think Ill just try and better MYSELF with the tools that are already availableto all in the richest most FREE country of ALL..
if you couldnt make it HERE, back say in the fifties, you should have just eneded it cause you where a TOTAL LOOSER amongst all that opportunity, you could have been a complete DOLT and came out fat and happy
NO, Ill get all pissed at everyone else,, BLAME THEM for my shortcommings
which in reality, those people have NOTHING to do with the reasons you eneded up the way you are and truely are just trying to live their lives
, so they meander their way into positions of authority cause , instead of just going out into a world where theres ALREADY, PLENTY of opportunity, they take their own selfishness and try to come up with rules to squash everyone elses FUN..

some psychotic way of trying to regulate everyones normal instincks and behavior
we have a WHOLE BUNCH of them in the government at this present time,,, its also called liberalism
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 07-04-2012, 07:11 AM
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I have always found that women that dress that way at the office are usually looking for one or maybe two particular mens attention. So when any other man makes a comment she doesn't like she gets upset and will make a complaint. Escpecially if the guy she is trying to lure in has not paid attention to her efforts. Careful out there guys, Originally Posted by FlyboyNY
yup, someone they want to bed with. or someone they think can help them up the ladder.

one lass at work was adjusting for given a boss a good show. I said hay, ya tryen to give a dirty old man a heart attack. She went to HR to blow me in. But that did not work out so well for her. So she went a campaign to kill me in a nice way. That only worked out great for me for a short time. Me guessing the boss did not like her flashing dirty old men a better view. But first he moved me to a better job away from her. Her walkin out of her way to flash me tit-n-taint must have been the last straw darn it. She stopped at work to talk to me when on break not long ago. Sweet, she got a better job workin for boss's boss boss Doctor. That is the bro of that higher on the food chain guy and doing some private on the side secretary work for. She said thanks in a rub it in my nose way. Ant grand.
edit add:
sweet how some can always land on there back errrr feet.

she was a good worker. But boss seems ok with rid of her. And treating me better. As his boss now riding his azz. but that guys boss seems a much happier guy out of the blue. Sweet, as now it looks boss's boss looks to be next to go. For riding my boss's azz. Ladder of the food chain can make or break.

She knew she was going the day before it was a done deal starting the new job the next day in today's hard ta find a job.

kinda makes a guy want to errrrrr never mind naaaaaaaaaaaa
offshoredrilling's Avatar
in a sexual harassment meeting once one of my coworkers said "wish there was more". The guys all agreed. A female slugged him. After that it was always two meetings. one for the females and one for the males.

Then as equal opportunity quiz in the employment quiz was always answered right down the race/gender line. They had the VP of EO come explain it to us all. After that in the survey, its was 100% against. silly to make some feel as a token ya know