I thought I never would be jealous of a lesbian (or anyone for that matter) until there was one time years ago when I saw the ultimate butch. She was sitting by herself and I was with some coworkers in a restaurant for lunch. Now, there are butches and then there are some hardcore I think I have a dick butches who are next level like this chick was...
She wasn't by herself for long until her girlfriend came in to meet her. Her girlfriend was a fucking knockout. She was beautiful with a hot as fuck body. I had a feeling that I rarely ever have - I was jealous as fuck of that dude/chick/Allen Iverson looking wannabe dude/chick. But sometimes you just have to tip your cap and say nice play...
The Allen Iverson wannabe chick noticed how every guy in that place was checking her woman out and took it all in. I don't blame her because I would have done the same thing.
Long story short, I realized I hate butch lesbians because they can apparently pull better civilian pussy than I can even if they look like Justin Bieber or AI