Have you ever gotten drunk and done something with a Provider or Hobbyist that you would not have normally done? Got a funny story?

Whispers's Avatar
It's never wise to mix alcohol with business but it most definitely happens.

Then there are the social mixers where alcohol flows freely.

Sometimes the results are disastrous.

On other occasions they are quite hilarious. Sometimes people here go at it like cats and dogs. Some of the folks here seem to hate each other but get a few drinks in them and the love flows!

If you think about it there could be expensive consequences to deal with.

She gets drunk and passes out and wakes up the following morning wanting to be compensated for an all nighter for example.

I have a couple of of experiences... Some funny.. and a couple that were downright scary

I picked a young lady up one afternoon that wanted to go have lunch and a couple of drinks first. She drank 1 and a half margaritas before we left and got to the hotel. She got ready and hopped onto the bed while I took a quick shower.

I laid down next to her and she started to kiss and then in an instant like a switch thrown, the lights went out. She was snoring within a few minutes. I got out of the bed and pulled the covers up around her. I called her handler a couple of times leaving messages because the lady was out and the handler/booking lady was not taking calls.

I was uncomfortable and got fully dressed, opened the curtains a little and propped the door open partially so I could sit in plain view and took care of some business and watched a little TV and she wakes up finally about 2 hours later. She was still "drunk" and got dressed and I took her home....

She had met me at the gate to the complex so I did not know what unit she lived in and she directed me to unit, got out of the car and watched to make sure she got to and safely walked into the apartment.

This was an afternoon occurrence.

So it's around midnight and her handler is lighting up my phone while I am at the movies with the wife. I duck out into the hall and return the call and she wants to know WHEN I am bringing her girl back. She has other appointments scheduled!

What the Fuck? I explain once again, I guess she ignored what was on the earlier messages, and let her know where I dropped her off.... including the details of watching her walking into the apartment. I described it in detail and she suddenly yelled OMG and dropped the phone...... About 5 minutes later she comes back on the line to tell me she found her...

The lady had walked up to, turned the knob on an unlocked door, and walked into the apartment and crashed on a couch...... of a neighbors unit....

Who seemed perfectly happy to let the young lady sleep there while he played video games all night.....

I did get a makeup session for the screwed up afternoon and movie as well as a plausible explanation involving a prescription she took that was not supposed to be taken with alcohol.....

There have been some pretty funny occurrences as well..... If the thread catches on I'll share one about a couple of folks everyone thought really hated each other here!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 06-27-2016, 10:31 AM
About 4 years ago my all time ATF came over. We usually spent 2-4 hours together. Normally we would have a bottle of wine, discuss her real world job, and general things friends talk about...

The first bottle was so good we uncorked a second...

Had fantastic sex for a couple of hours, think she got me to pop 3 times.

The next MORNING she wakes up in a start, takes herself out of my loving arms and says 'I'm late for staff meeting!!!" Now this was a striking beautiful woman, but at that moment her hair looked somewhat like the bride of frankenstein. She hastlily left...

I tried to get up a bit later but head was spinning...I thought I might have a touch of flu so layed back down.

Woke up after noon & STILL felt like shit...I texted her to see if she was ok and she was laughing saying "HOW did you let me leave with my hair looking like that"? Seems she went to the meeting in that same state...

I asked "WTF did we do, my head is killing me". She said "you dont remember"?


"Go look in your living room"

I did...there were 10 disgarded giant jello shot containers I had made for a different civvie world party. 1/2 jello, roughly 1/3 Patron...

In the bfast nook were two glasses that smelled strongly of tequila...and a 1/3 bottle of patron that had been virtually full the night before. But I didnt remember anything past the two bottles of Pinot.

We laughed about that night for a couple of years...probably the last time I've been TRULY drunk since then or for years before.
Jello shots made with patron? I tried to make margarita flavored jello shots once and substituted tequila instead of vodka...they never set properly and i had to throw them all out.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 06-27-2016, 08:23 PM
Jello shots made with patron? I tried to make margarita flavored jello shots once and substituted tequila instead of vodka...they never set properly and i had to throw them all out. Originally Posted by Leah Layada

Hmmm...probably too much Tequila in the mix. Use HOT water...mix the Jello...get it all dissolved...then add the liquor...mix again...pour in shot cups...refrigerate overnight.

I make 100 large jello shots every year for a party barge party we have on lake Austin each summer...they always come out good & never go to waste.
Story of my life.

Hmmm...probably too much Tequila in the mix. Use HOT water...mix the Jello...get it all dissolved...then add the liquor...mix again...pour in shot cups...refrigerate overnight.

I make 100 large jello shots every year for a party barge party we have on lake Austin each summer...they always come out good & never go to waste.
Originally Posted by Toyz
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Oncest, Ah got drunck on teh-kill-ya (jus' plane ol' Hoe-say Queer-voh) an' Ah fergot ta jack off a-fore Ah passedt out. But Ah had a wet dream 'bout a pervider, so Ah kinda got a freebie outta tha deal.

An' in mah wet dream she hadt jus' finishedt a-tickin' me a body wax, so Ah guess Ah was bare-backed when Ah fukked 'er. An sincet it wuz a dream, tha waxin' din't e'en hurt!
I got drunk with The DD, once. I woke up and had piercings in odd places. Lol.
knotty man's Avatar
one time , in band camp...
Peanut butter. Hush Knotty or I'll tell on you!!!
knotty man's Avatar
arf! arf!
Whispers's Avatar
Story of my life. Originally Posted by Leah Layada
Yeah... you and tequila......

Hey.. Do you remember that night when you had a wee bit too much and........
I don't really like drinking before/during sessions because I'm not a sexual drunk usually, I tend to be a more sleepy drunk. I just can't hang very often, and that's no fun.
Whispers's Avatar
Peanut butter. Hush Knotty or I'll tell on you!!! Originally Posted by The Infamous One

Shhhhh... You really shouldn't be telling on anyone.... karma ya know