Men clients vs Women clients

WarmNCordial's Avatar
I've just recently gotten interested in checking out some providers. I've been looking through numerous ads and websites and when looking at them I see providers who only take men as clients, and some who take men, woman, or couples as clients. This got me to thinking about the different clients. I can certainly understand men being clients as that's just a natural craving we have. And I can even see couples as clients whether it's a guy whos gotten his wife or girlfriend interested in a threesome or maybe a couple who swings. But as far as women being clients I have a harder time imagining this. Do women actually go to providers by themselves? I just can't see women having the need as they could probably find someone outside of providers without paying for the time. Of course I also don't claim to understand women either so maybe I'm just totally out of it and don't know what's going on out there.
So do you providers have many women as clients?
There is a certain cross section of professional women who either:
1)married because it is what was expected of them
2)never married

In many circumstances, these ladies have chosen to keep their preferences private. These ladies choose escorts for the same reason a professional male chooses an escort over a sugardaddy/sugarbaby situation or a 'mistress/other woman" relationship. ie - We (well I) are considered a safer, less stressful, less intrusive option.

I have a couple of female regulars. These are the reasons I was told. Take it as you will.
I've heard that women know how to please women better than men do. Just sayin...
I've never had a woman request an appointment and I've always wondered why. I guess maybe it's just the area I'm in?
  • anita
  • 10-06-2010, 11:57 PM
Yes. Women that are focused on their career do not have time to date or go out and 'try' to get laid. Some other women are shy; think they are not pretty when they really are. Some other want to be sure 'something' is going to happen the day they want it to happen. Some other want 'exactly' what they like to be done.
But yes, some are able to get anything for free and just choose not to lol.
  • anita
  • 10-06-2010, 11:58 PM
Oh and some behave and try to look just like men. Of course they want to do what men do including visiting an escort 'by themselves'.
For all intents and purposes, there are no lone female clients; by this I don't mean that they're literally nonexistent like unicorns, but rather that they're so rare an escort might go thorough her whole career without encountering one. I saw plenty of couples in my career (about one a week while I was in New Orleans), yet only two solo women that whole time.

I've just recently gotten interested in checking out some providers. I've been looking through numerous ads and websites and when looking at them I see providers who only take men as clients, and some who take men, woman, or couples as clients. This got me to thinking about the different clients. I can certainly understand men being clients as that's just a natural craving we have. And I can even see couples as clients whether it's a guy whos gotten his wife or girlfriend interested in a threesome or maybe a couple who swings. But as far as women being clients I have a harder time imagining this. Do women actually go to providers by themselves? I just can't see women having the need as they could probably find someone outside of providers without paying for the time. Of course I also don't claim to understand women either so maybe I'm just totally out of it and don't know what's going on out there.
So do you providers have many women as clients? Originally Posted by tedtex
pjpenner's Avatar
For all intents and purposes, there are no lone female clients; by this I don't mean that they're literally nonexistent like unicorns, but rather that they're so rare an escort might go thorough her whole career without encountering one. I saw plenty of couples in my career (about one a week while I was in New Orleans), yet only two solo women that whole time. Originally Posted by AngelOK
I met with a provider last month who has five regular female clients. These females are seen on a one-on-one basis and they usually schedule two appointments a month.

This provider may be somewhat unique because she is an active member of a nudist community and three of her female clients are members of the same community.


Since you say "there are no lone female clients", I'll call her and let her know that these five female clients are really guys without a dick but with a vagina.

Sorry - I don't mean to be an arse but I wanted to make a point on the validity and credibility of making such a generalized comment.
WarmNCordial's Avatar
Other than curiosity another reason I asked this question is that this forum allows one to ask questions that if you asked a provider you were seeing she might not be comfortable answering. By reading through the messages on this forum I've already learned a few things that I'd always wondered about but knew better than to ask a provider in person.
Since you say "there are no lone female clients", I'll call her and let her know that these five female clients are really guys without a dick but with a vagina.

Sorry - I don't mean to be an arse but I wanted to make a point on the validity and credibility of making such a generalized comment. Originally Posted by pjpenner
I'm sorry, was "by this I don't mean that they're literally nonexistent like unicorns, but rather that they're so rare an escort might go thorough her whole career without encountering one." worded so as to make it difficult to understand? My apologies. Obviously, one exception invalidates an entire rule, so because one guy in WW II survived bailing out of a plane without a parachute (true story) I guess we can all count on surviving if we do the same thing.

EVERY RULE has exceptions, period.