Roleplay Vampire Fetish??

So with Halloween coming up it is the best time for guys to ask girls to role play since everyone is in "costume moods" . I think the whole vampire thing is sexy +I was wondering if any guys have a sexy seductive vamp fetish fangs + all ??? (NO BLOOD DRAWING ) Just sexy fun !
Redwolf's Avatar
I do not have this fetish.

I would guess that based upon the literary tropes the scene might go like this:
The girl is an sweet, innocent virgin. The vampire has a lust for blood which symbolizes . . . well you can guess. He is never satisfied and always needs more. To act out such a fantasy might involve the provider laying 'asleep' possibly even under the covers of the bed. She could be wearing a teddy or some lingerie which would be provocative but also leaves a little something to the imagination. Her breasts could be rising and lowering with each deep breath of sleep, more attention grabbing if the lady is well-endowed. The client, wearing a cape and teeth (I would probably just skip that) or whatever gets him off, enters the room of the sleeping virgin and slowly peels the covers and clothes off without 'waking' her. He licks and kisses her all over, maybe nibbling or lightly biting (in previously discussed and approved places if she is okay with that). He could swoop his arms under her, still 'asleep', and carry her off to another location where she would be under his charm when he stares into her eyes. Or she could wake up, 'protest', and be charmed or just give in because she is really enjoying the attention. Once bitten and turned, she will need to feed the blood lust. For the hard-core fetishist, IDK, maybe there is red lube that could be used. In the right location (very rare), the client could even enter through the bedroom window.

I repeat. This is not my fetish. That said, it doesn't sound too bad.
burkalini's Avatar
If it has blood involved it's not really my thing lol
No NO Blood !!! Just total vamp look sexy fangs /contacts just something seductive + sexy !
i do now
burkalini's Avatar
Role play is fun in all its forms. If it's hot and no blood count me in
cool I will have 2 travel w my sexy vamp attire + get some pics of it up !
Oh that is so hot!! I love it girl is a good idea since it Halloween!
I LOVEEEE vampires... they suck on me all they want
Love the sex kitten Vampire role play scenario. Bite me baby!!!