Poor Service or Declined Service?

ss4699's Avatar
I've been getting a lot of interesting PMs and Emails lately from both sides of the hobby. And, while I won't be speaking about the details of those emails, I occasionally give parting advice (when asked) on how to handle certain situations.

This got me to thinking about a not-so-talked-about issue. Sometimes there is not a connection between two people and other times there is a very strong and direct problem which causes a lady (or a guy) to not want to see someone.

The question I have is, guys: Would you prefer poor service or a turn away at the door?

And ladies: If a guy gets to an appointment and realizes he isn't that into you, would you prefer he leave without anything happening or do you risk getting a bad review because you two aren't connecting well?

Just curious...
Fire serpent started an interesting threat that might be enhanced by a poll but I was unsure how to add it to an existing thread so, lets see what will be said from an unidentified response system. What would you prefer, if you could not get hit my a negative comment? Walk away or risk poor comments?
You've got two answers the same (and way too many choices IMHO).

Way too convoluted...
tia travels's Avatar
I don't understand the female possibilities.
What do you mean by reason from the examples in italics below:
1). he gives a reason to me at the door
2). he gives NO reason/explanation and decides to just leave

Also, what do you mean by no comment or negative comment?
Are you asking if we want him to leave NO comment in a review, asking US ladies to leave no comment or a negative or if we want a negative comment from him?

Female - reason makes no difference, no comment
Female - reason makes no difference, negative comment
Female - he will burn no matter what
He will burn how? Meaning us ladies will get even somehow if we choose this answer?
Female - no reason, unsure Unsure about what? How to answer this poll so we choose this response?

Please help unconfuse me so I can answer your poll.
I'd rather he leave right away but with an honest explanation and not some bogus response like "Uhhh, I think I forgot my wallet in my car."
And if it was for outcall, it would be nice if he at least gave me 20$ for gas.
ss4699's Avatar
Sorry guys it was my first try at a poll and it did out come out clearly.
Closing thread at request of "newtotown".