Rep Kevin McCarthy - Accidently Honest About Benghazi Investigation

flghtr65's Avatar
Rep Kevin McCarthy who may become Speaker of the House of Reps, said on Hannity the real reason for the Benghazi investigation was to lower H. Clinton's poll numbers.
I was going to start this thread if it wasn't already started. We see the investigation for what it really was now.
Is this another Benghazi thread?
Is this another Benghazi thread? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Inconvenient, isn't it?
Wow, nice deflection of the narrative.

Clinton was waist deep in Bengazi as Sec of State. She wants the Highest Office in the Land based on her "merit" as Senator and Sec State. Of course it is used for political reasons because she running for political office. What is the point of this thread? Please make sense in responses.
The point is that there is no Bhengazi "scandal", it is a figment of the RWW imagination. It was, and is, designed to be utilized as a platform to attack HRC's presidential campaign. McCarthy just admitted it, on the air.

Make sense?

Wow, nice deflection of the narrative.

Clinton was waist deep in Bengazi as Sec of State. She wants the Highest Office in the Land based on her "merit" as Senator and Sec State. Of course it is used for political reasons because she running for political office. What is the point of this thread? Please make sense in responses. Originally Posted by johnjay
I B Hankering's Avatar
The point is that there is no Bhengazi "scandal", it is a figment of the RWW imagination. It was, and is, designed to be utilized as a platform to attack HRC's presidential campaign. McCarthy just admitted it, on the air.

Make sense?
Originally Posted by timpage
Only a disingenuous lib-retard like you, Little Timmy-tard, can't see malfeasance in Hildabeast's willful disregard for the law and her conscious failure to not surrender public documents in 2011 when requested and subpoenaed by Congress and per the provisions of the FOIA.
Timpage is funny. Just like Clinton deny a problem exists and.....poof it does not exist. You sound like the knuckleheads in NY that named Ethel Rosenburg honorary citizen. Where proven by Soviet Union historical texts was in fact a spy. But, deny the issue and now declare her honorary status. A perfect little imaginary world where Hillary did not answer the ringing phone in the middle of the night all is well. Except, 4 people were brutally murdered and there was a chance to save them.
[QUOTE=WombRaider;1057260018] We see the investigation for what it really was now.

1.The so called Arab Spring breaks out.
2. Lybia is one of the Countries caught up into the fray, and with the help of many Western Democracies, the existing Government is toppled.
3.Several factions are fighting for control. The US decides to set up a Contingency with a representative, the same as an ambassador if we had Diplomatic Relations.
4. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton decides to send a Gay Man as our defacto ambassador, even though The Muslim population considers homosexuality to be an abomination.
5. Hillary Clinton orders that there be just a bare bones minimum armed guards at the embassy, the idea is a large group of armed Marines would insult the Muslim Population
6. A riot breaks out, and our Ambassador is dragged through the streets, brutally raped, and left for dead. The minimum guard contingency is over run, and all killed.
7. Hours pass before anyone in Washington can decide exactly what to do. We certainly do not want to over react with a massive military presence, lest we once again risk offending the Muslims
8. When Hillary Clinton finally realizes the scope of the tragedy, she meets with Susan Rice and other members of the National Security Administration to concoct a story to placate the public and deflect culpability.
7. There is a video floating around that is not real complimentary of The Prophet Muhammad, and their have been demonstrations in other Countries, so Susan Rice goes on National TV and says this was a protest of that video that just got out of hand.
9. The truth slowly begins to leak out, despite a full scale firewall put in place by The State Department and The National Security Administration to deflect blame, and to minimize the ineptitude of those involved.
10. In the mean time, four Americans are dead.

Nothing here to see, folks. Just move on.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Sure there is a scandal, a Clinton is involved.
they are scandalous just by their existence.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The point is that there is no Bhengazi "scandal", it is a figment of the RWW imagination. It was, and is, designed to be utilized as a platform to attack HRC's presidential campaign. McCarthy just admitted it, on the air.

Make sense? Originally Posted by timpage
Why don't we ask the families of the four dead if their just figments? You do know that you are a piece of shit for discounting the people we lost and you've joined the rest of the idiots who are grasping at really small straws.

It is so hypocritical that you would drag George Bush into the World Court for Iraq (which was voted for by the democrats) but will give Hillary a complete and total pass for Benghazi. More of that liberal insanity.
[QUOTE=Jackie S;1057261429]
We see the investigation for what it really was now.

1.The so called Arab Spring breaks out.
2. Lybia is one of the Countries caught up into the fray, and with the help of many Western Democracies, the existing Government is toppled.
3.Several factions are fighting for control. The US decides to set up a Contingency with a representative, the same as an ambassador if we had Diplomatic Relations.
4. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton decides to send a Gay Man as our defacto ambassador, even though The Muslim population considers homosexuality to be an abomination.
5. Hillary Clinton orders that there be just a bare bones minimum armed guards at the embassy, the idea is a large group of armed Marines would insult the Muslim Population
6. A riot breaks out, and our Ambassador is dragged through the streets, brutally raped, and left for dead. The minimum guard contingency is over run, and all killed.
7. Hours pass before anyone in Washington can decide exactly what to do. We certainly do not want to over react with a massive military presence, lest we once again risk offending the Muslims
8. When Hillary Clinton finally realizes the scope of the tragedy, she meets with Susan Rice and other members of the National Security Administration to concoct a story to placate the public and deflect culpability.
7. There is a video floating around that is not real complimentary of The Prophet Muhammad, and their have been demonstrations in other Countries, so Susan Rice goes on National TV and says this was a protest of that video that just got out of hand.
9. The truth slowly begins to leak out, despite a full scale firewall put in place by The State Department and The National Security Administration to deflect blame, and to minimize the ineptitude of those involved.
10. In the mean time, four Americans are dead.

Nothing here to see, folks. Just move on. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Jackie, most of that is hyperbole. The ambassador was not raped and dragged through the streets, for one.
Why don't we ask the families of the four dead if their just figments? You do know that you are a piece of shit for discounting the people we lost and you've joined the rest of the idiots who are grasping at really small straws.

It is so hypocritical that you would drag George Bush into the World Court for Iraq (which was voted for by the democrats) but will give Hillary a complete and total pass for Benghazi. More of that liberal insanity. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You and yours are a piece of shit for using it as a political tool, you bunch of fucktards. See how that works? You're used to grasping at really small things, it should be no change for you.

Iraq caused thousands of soldiers to lose their lives, not to mention the civilian death toll. There is no comparison between the two. More of that fucktard insanity.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I went back and looked at the transcript to refresh my memory and what Flighter said....didn't happen. It is a lie that is being swallowed by the idiot elite of the left.

McCarthy was talking about cause and effect and not justifications. An investigation is ongoing into Benghazi and Hillary's poll numbers are down. That is the end of the statement. there is nothing in the quote that said the investigation was started to stop Hillary's campaign. that is a lie made up by the idiot elite.

Jackie, most of that is hyperbole. The ambassador was not raped and dragged through the streets, for one. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Just murdered and mutilated, then. I feel better about the whole affair already