Just plain gettin old

tsrv4me's Avatar
Yep I have a Birthday coming up Next Monday .........but I am falling apart in my old age ....its HELL believe me...but better than the alternative I guess ....all my old flames are flickering ......and like the old song "Dont get around Much Anymore" .........LOL
Sierra977's Avatar
Get a young gf. They'll keep you young, or kill you trying...
TexTushHog's Avatar
tsrv4me's Avatar
Thats true TushHog..Thank you .......Old timer favorites .......
Old Hippie by the Bellamy Brothers.

yaddayadda's Avatar
I think us old geezers should have an over 50s forum.....I have suggested it in the past but no interest from the mods. Its got to be as popular as the "Sugar Baby" forum.
It would give providers a place to post "old guy friendly" type ads and stuff.
Sierra977's Avatar
Watch who you're calling "old". I've just been young longer than some.

ETA I just made it to fifty...posts that is...LOL
Ghostdncer's Avatar
You're only as old as your Peni...eerr....no...


You're only as young as your back hair....no...not that either...


Age is all in the finger nai...nope...

Oh screw it...you're only as old as you act...or feel like acting

I don't recommend raquetball on a just healed torn calf muscle tho...that's a good way to feel about 90....