"Mz Pocahontas" 2694ONE45474

Someone informed me my pictures were being used on backpage again.
I am no longer in the hobby & not offering any services.

Not sure if she is robbing guys, or is just a bait & switch but bottom line ITS NOT THE REAL THING.

Everyone stay safe.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Cassy: Thanks for your post. However, it doesn't belong in the alerts forum.

At the top of this forum it states: "Issues which could endanger the safety of a member or members of our community go here. Please reserve this space for legitimate alerts, and not general FYI material."

A provider using someone else's photos, while misleading, doesn't, in itself, "endanger the safety of a member or members of our community."

You may want to contact Backpage to ask them to remove the ads with your photos.
@shyster. I politely disagree with your assertion that this not alert worthy.
If someone is using her pics as part of a rouse, then it is apparrent to me that
the perpetrator has nefarious intentions. Whether those intentions are to deceive, steal ....or worse, does not matter. I believe walking into a situation like that certainly DOES put a hobbiest at risk.

Thanks for the heads up, doll.
Eh, still not an alert to me either... Lately there's been a rash of misused photo claims in the Alert Section. Some providers have less to offer visually, so they'll try anything to get the phone to ring — even if that means they'll risk being exposed as a bait and switch upon arrival. A good portion of the girls with original photos don't even look the same in person. Yes, it's wrong to use someone else's photos — but still not an Alert, and appears more like a HumbleBrag... "Everyone be on alert, I'm so hot that someone had to use my photos".
ShysterJon's Avatar
Again, using someone else's photo does not IN AND OF ITSELF constitute danger. To have danger, one would have to speculate about the photo thief's intentions. I want the alerts forum to have only posts about real dangers, not speculation. Also, if stealing a photo is alert-worthy, 90% of the posts in alerts would be about it because it's so common. We shouldn't have to weed through posts about photo-stealing to read the posts about REAL dangers.
WELL I fell like its an alert to ME . I don't want my face advertised for ms anonymous not knowing her intentions.
If she is a hit girl looking to rob clients I think you would be grateful I took the time to inform you guys.
Normally when a girl is using FAKE pictures there are little to no good intentions . You feel it's not an alert hey by all means go see her and take your chances but I was just trying to help

And as I said in the post I no longer me posting a bait and switch alert to get my phone to ring is very unlikely lol good try tho
ShysterJon's Avatar
Cassy, no one said you're not trying to be helpful, but it's not a matter of posting in Dallas Alerts or not posting at all. I think your post belongs in Dallas Coed, where more members would see it anyway.
Okay move it then, since it's such a big deal
I can no longer do anything about it.
Work here is done

Stay safe
And as I said in the post I no longer me posting a bait and switch alert to get my phone to ring is very unlikely lol good try tho Originally Posted by CassySoClassy
I guess if you no longer hobby, why would any of this matter to you?
I guess if you no longer hobby, why would any of this matter to you? Originally Posted by crazysauce
I guess because my pictures of MY REAL FACE is being used and if she robs someone or hurts them and they go to the police who's picture is on the AD , ? MINE.

Why does every guy on this site have to argue everything a lady post, learn to sit back & just hold your fingers sometimes. Geeze
& as much as guys bitch about girls "not being who they are in pics" you'd think you'd just take it as good info and go about your day.
Well.... Thanks for the heads up' but I wish you were still in the hobby!... Let me know!
Well.... Thanks for the heads up' but I wish you were still in the hobby!... Let me know! Originally Posted by txscout3
I'm out temporarily not sure if I'll return but I'll definitely let you guys know