New Features of the Board

Reincarnated's Avatar
What features or enhancements would you like to see on the board to make it easier to use or more informational?
Reincarnated's Avatar
I thought a search function by time would be good as an example where you could put in the appointment length and how much you can afford to spend and it would sort for you the gals available for that.

Additionally a function where the girls could put they are in or out of town or unavailable during that time of the month so we don't PM them when they are not available.

Or a search for Specials?
sue_nami's Avatar
I'd like to be able to put my real age and not have the age choices stop at 50 for us older providers. I am 53 and can't put y real age down here as the option is not offered. There are plenty of fellas who prefer an older provider and they can't see our real age after we hit 50..
I would like the first block on reviews to be the providers name. So many reviews do not include the providers name in the heading. The first thing I want to see in a review will be the ladies name.
Reincarnated's Avatar
How about a star system like they use with Hotels that takes the average star rating of all the reviews and puts in by their name? Quick and efficient way to see if you want to read further. The star rating should be private or be anonymous too so people can really put what they think without getting any shit from the providers or white knights.
John_Dough's Avatar
Add to the review page listing a yes / no column so you can see the overall rating before clicking the thread.