Escort Robbed client after attempted ripoff..

nuglet's Avatar
Surprised I don't see this posted here already..
Daddy Matt's Avatar
nuglet's Avatar
I'm dying to see who will post her handle.. her RW info is already "out there".. lol
Daddy Matt's Avatar
Same here lol
  • Paven
  • 04-01-2013, 02:31 PM
Wait, this guy opened his door to them on two return trips? Shaking my head!
What was he thinking making an appointment and not having any funds? More head shaking.
What a world.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Yikes! They took more than what was probably negotiated, plus the article makes it seem that nothing happened between the two yet a shit load of stuff was stolen. Anybody recognize the perp??
Tan Khan's Avatar
This is one instance when I'm glad it happened in Wilco. It appear like many wrong decisions were made by all parties. Yikes!