Can you be a white knight to a provider you have never met?

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I have been getting lots of PM from guys supporting my posts in ISO and quite a few said that they would post in my defense but don’t want to be labeled a “white knight” - but I have never met these gentleman, so how can they be considered a white knight?

I always thought that you had to have met a provider in order to be considered a white knight.

So am I to understand that if a guy simply posts that he agrees with what a provider says he is a white knight?
ibechill's Avatar
I think so.
Wayward's Avatar
Now this thread has real potential. dh saddle up.

Back later, off to the store for popcorn and throwing stars.
Desperate men will say anything in the hopes of getting pussy, even if they do not know you. You do not have to know someone to throw them under the bus or put them on a pedestal. The only requirement is to be stupid; that, we got plenty of around here!

WW, pick me up some smoke bombs, some flares, and a tin of Brie. Thanks.
carkido45's Avatar
Of course some guys may want to be with you in future and figure kissing up to a provider may get them in quicker or a better session in the future. White Knightitist Syndrome.
ferdburf's Avatar
WW: Crackerjacks and A&W Rootbeer, please? And maybe pick up some lawn fertilizer for me? I may be at this computer screen till Spring on this thread.
Wayward's Avatar
WW: Crackerjacks and A&W Rootbeer, please? And maybe pick up some lawn fertilizer for me? I may be at this computer screen till Spring on this thread. Originally Posted by ferdburf
Lawn fertilizer and no diesel fuel how would you make foo gas?
carkido45's Avatar
Cookies and Cream ice cream please.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
maybe the guy likes the ladies online persona and has no intentions of meeting her. who knows?
ferdburf's Avatar
Lawn fertilizer and no diesel fuel how would you make foo gas? Originally Posted by Wayward
Not quite sure what you're asking, pal, but ya just reminded me. Would ya pick up some pinto beans while you're there?
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Anytime you support one position and disagree with someone on the Board you set yourself up to be labeled a WK.

It is easier to call someone a WK and not have to respond reasonably to the post.

IMHO the term WK has been so over used that it has all but lost its meaning.
auknowho's Avatar
Anytime you support one position and disagree with someone on the Board you set yourself up to be labeled a WK.

It is easier to call someone a WK and not have to respond reasonably to the post.

IMHO the term WK has been so over used that it has all but lost its meaning. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister

But just to answer your question, I think if a person can support you in a PM but can't support you on the board, this person fears something or is hiding his agenda. If he doesn't know you and supports you on the board and then PM's you that is different story.

Or maybe there are all just scared of DH and his Blue water theory!
Htowner's Avatar
The only sure way to tell would be to offer them freebies and see which ones would take it.
Wayward's Avatar
Not quite sure what you're asking, pal, but ya just reminded me. Would ya pick up some pinto beans while you're there? Originally Posted by ferdburf
On it, CB wanted some fart maker too.

Foo Gas

[ame=""]YouTube- FOO GAS[/ame]
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Thanks WW, I can always count on you.