Thank You Eccie

Leilani.Love's Avatar
Eccie, when I first found out about this "secret" society Lol I immediately thought no way! I was so intimidated by the strong personalities and the raw criticism, I literally logged out for a month just to take it all in. Now as I look over the looooooong 3months of being active on the board I'm overwhelmed by how many great people I've encountered. From the advice, the way every guy I've had the pleasure of meeting were complete gentleman, the online support, the pep talks from the guys and women alike, and of course we can't forget to mention the tough love some of you dish out. I wouldnt have it any other way. Overall I just wanted to say thank you for the warm welcome and so far so good! I also wanted to give a special shout out to Studio X for helping me overcome my first newbie obstacle, "professional pictures" thank you!

PeterBota's Avatar
Nice Phat Ass
Cornelius's Avatar
Congratulations on getting your photos done. Glad you are having good experiences.