the first ten minutes are the most uncomfortable

So when a client first comes to my door, I answer it and then I get all nervous because I don't know how to transition from "hey there, how are you," to the down and dirty deed of the encounter.

Do you all have any suggestions on how to gracefully get down to business?

Also, what do I need to provide as far as toiletries and refreshments are concerned to make a date more pleasing to the client?

What outfits are most desired?

Music or not? What genre?

How do I gently remind guys that their time is almost over without sounding like a clock watcher.

Should I expect them to leave the donation first or at the end?

Can anyone explain screening? Why should I do it? How do I do it?

What questions should I ask when a guy calls for a date? I don't want to put them off with a barrage of questions.

Is it appropriate to ask a guy his first name?

Thanks guys!

Love Whitney
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-20-2014, 07:36 PM
So when a client first comes to my door, I answer it and then I get all nervous because I don't know how to transition from "hey there, how are you," to the down and dirty deed of the encounter.

Do you all have any suggestions on how to gracefully get down to business?

Also, what do I need to provide as far as toiletries and refreshments are concerned to make a date more pleasing to the client?

What outfits are most desired?

Music or not? What genre?

How do I gently remind guys that their time is almost over without sounding like a clock watcher.

Should I expect them to leave the donation first or at the end?

Can anyone explain screening? Why should I do it? How do I do it?

What questions should I ask when a guy calls for a date? I don't want to put them off with a barrage of questions.

Is it appropriate to ask a guy his first name?

Thanks guys!

Love Whitney Originally Posted by WhitneyAndraste
This sounds like another mission for....

<<<<<<<Cap'n Save-A-Ho>>>>>>>

Cap'n day a mild mannered & unassuming Gieco Insurance night he rides the streets of Austin looking for Ho's to save, advise & set on the merry path to successful whoring...

Cap'n Save-A-Ho hates Monkeys. Will not tolerate rate reductions. Is always looking out for his "girls". And the best thing about the good Cap'n is he works pro boner...

Seek out the Cap'n, he will be there for you through rain & snow. Through thick and thin (better that you stay thin though), he will be there during your Aunts visits...he will only leave when the next new Ho posts in Welcome Wagon...
At first based upon the title I thought this was about visiting Greece but then I realized it was the first ten minutes as opposed to seconds .

All of the other particulars regarding music, outfits etc. are all on a case by case basis as all mongers are different.

As far as screening and client handleing questions go your sig line says you're under the watchful guidance of Hunter.

I can't imagine these wouldn't be the very first things she would tutor you on.
Bob McV's Avatar
Experience is what you need and there is no real shortcut to that.

Hopefully, your inbox is full of helpful advice from the ladies, but if it truly is a real man's thoughts you want, while you wait I'll offer mine...

It's his time and his fantasy let him set the pace.

If it is a short encounter you might need to nudge him a bit as some guys are under the misconception that "the clock" doesn't start till you are naked.

Provide what you would like to see happen. If fresh breath and a clean ass are of a top priority then a few travel size toiletries laid out fresh for each client is a small expense of doing business and goes a long way to making a guy feel special.

dress, act, and play what makes you feel most confident. if you aren't presenting an air of confidence a lot of guys will either cower in like or try to take advantage.

Personally I like all types of music I often have old jazz standards playing, but last night hip-hop and bounce kept the energy high and the fun going.

Time management is a tough one, I'll let the pros handle that one, as I have very rarely felt clock watched and couldn't tell you how they handled it. I know one girl is just really good at keeping track of time, who knew such a talent would be so useful in life.

My advice is to be flexible on payment timing, of course, you want it up front and most guys would rather be CoD. Some ladies clearly state their procedures in this area, I obviously can't tell how this effects business overall.

Screening is a must, but I'll leave the details on that to the ladies as well.

I wouldn't ever ask your first name and would feel put off if you were to ask mine. Guys that have a non-name handle will most likely state what they want to be referred to as (Assuming Uncle Lookin actually doesn't want you to moan "Ohh yes, Still Looking! almost still looking there ... hmm maybe I'll have someone do that for me sometimes while attempting a SLAMDANGO<tm> to have the SLE)

ETA: I guess I should get my cape from the dry cleaners ... thanks for the reminder Toyz
If I notice the girl is chattering nervous I give it a min or two then make a move to a kiss. Then it's game on! You can usually tell pretty quick if you will have to take control of the situation and make the first move.
Tatonka's Avatar
I would have figured that your friend Hunter Grace would have answered all these questions for you. But here is some feedback.

So when a client first comes to my door, I answer it and then I get all nervous because I don't know how to transition from "hey there, how are you," to the down and dirty deed of the encounter.

Do you all have any suggestions on how to gracefully get down to business?
Perhaps something subtle like touching their arm or hand or leg or leaning in for a little kiss.

Also, what do I need to provide as far as toiletries and refreshments are concerned to make a date more pleasing to the client?

Some clean towels, soap, having a shower available is good, maybe some mouthwash.
Refreshments I would not worry about too much maybe a bottle of water or a little wine possibly is more than enough. Over half of providers dont offer any type of refreshments.

What outfits are most desired?

A pretty outfit or some lingerie is nice. Bra and panties works fine. I would not suggest spending a lot on outfits until you are sure you wil be doing this for a while.
Alot of providers dress casually.

Music or not? What genre?

Music is not a big deal. Only about 25% of providers I have seen had music playing. Usually it was something they liked or something they thought the client would like. Keep in mind most clients will be a little (or more than a little ) older than you.

How do I gently remind guys that their time is almost over without sounding like a clock watcher.

That's not easy, maybe something like oh look at the time or "not to rush you but we have x minutes left". Try not to be too rigid with time, if a guy is a few minutes late leaving it should not be that big a deal but if a guy is lingering well past their scheduled leave time then you may need to drop a hint or say something.

Should I expect them to leave the donation first or at the end?

Most providers want the donation at the beginning, some guys don't want to pay til the end. In both cases they are trying to avoid getting ripped off.

Can anyone explain screening? Why should I do it? How do I do it?

Screening is the most important thing that you can do to look out for yourself and f2f or your own safety. Screening is checking up on a prospective client to see if it is safe or wise to see them.
You should consider looking into P411, Preferred 411, which is a screening service for providers and clients.
You can also screen eccie clients by looking at their reviews, posts and contacting other providers they have seen to see if there were any problems.
Ask them to send you a eccie pm message with references and their hobby phone number.

Screening is extremely important. Remember you are responsible for your own safety.

What questions should I ask when a guy calls for a date? I don't want to put them off with a barrage of questions.

Doing research on perspective clients will answer some questions without having to ask. Reviews should give you a idea what they like, also contacting providers they have seen.
It is okay For you to ask some questions , especially since you are new and just learning.

Is it appropriate to ask a guy his first name?

You can ask for a name or what they want to be called but they will likely not give their real name. Anonymity , secrecy and discretion are a big part of the hobby. You should also not give clients your real name.

Thanks guys!

Good luck.

Love Whitney Originally Posted by WhitneyAndraste
Tatonka's Avatar
I noticed on your website that you list your rates are 200 half-hour and 300 hour.
That is rather high for a new provider still just learning and are more appropriate for a well established highly reviewed provider.

It's certainly your choice as what you decide to charge and what services you choose to offer but I would respectfully suggest something more in the 150 half-hour and 200 - 250 hour range.

Just a suggestion.
I don't have much input on many of your questions but the one thing I feel I have mastered is the donation situation. I feel it's best to sit back on the bed or some thing and ask him to leave the donation on the table across the room. Out of my reach so they know I'm not just gonna run and grab it. I want them to know I'm ready to earn it. But I also want to know before the session that they intend to donate. Make sense?
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-20-2014, 10:38 PM
I don't have much input on many of your questions but the one thing I feel I have mastered is the donation situation. I feel it's best to sit back on the bed or some thing and ask him to leave the donation on the table across the room. Out of my reach so they know I'm not just gonna run and grab it. I want them to know I'm ready to earn it. But I also want to know before the session that they intend to donate. Make sense? Originally Posted by Serenitysthename
Hahahaha you have a lot to learn about GFE!
I've been here 4 years and only paid first 3 times. And the girls that ask are one trick ponies, never to see again.
If that is the way you choose to be a revolving door of new guys and doing screening every appointment, lol.
Most of the ladies like the repeat clientele, because it's less stressful.
Most of the guys on Eccie are not looking for a Backpage experience.
We can get that on BP for less money!
And just because you gave that advice you're a NO trick pony. lol
Do you all have any suggestions on how to gracefully get down to business? try to make small talk or ask how are they doing. sit on the couch or bed and stroke their arm or leg..

Also, what do I need to provide as far as toiletries and refreshments are concerned to make a date more pleasing to the client? mouthwash, soap, towels, wipes, perhaps bottled water, soda things like that.

What outfits are most desired? for me I dont really care about outfits. whatever makes your comfortable, the guys will let you know if like certain outfits

Music or not? What genre? whatever you like I really do not listen.. just enough drown out the noise so the neighbors do not hear everything

How do I gently remind guys that their time is almost over without sounding like a clock watcher. all guys know when their time is up. if they are clueless just get up and start getting dresssed or shower, yoiu can try other hints too...

Should I expect them to leave the donation first or at the end? that is a fine line. I have done all the above.. just depends on how you handle, try not to come across has money greedy

Can anyone explain screening? Why should I do it? How do I do it? yes screen, always!!!! safety first.. you can do by provider references or how many reviews they have or actually call them up and talk. yes the old fashioned way...

What questions should I ask when a guy calls for a date? I don't want to put them off with a barrage of questions. no questions other than when and where would like to meet, unless I already know you I am not talking details on the phone..

Is it appropriate to ask a guy his first name? is it appropriate for us to ask your real first name?... see what i mean

Thanks guys!

Love Whitney
And just because you gave that advice you're a NO trick pony. lol Originally Posted by rockerrick
Is that really necessary? We know you never pay up front OK. That's you. There are just as many cases of client rip offs as there are of provider rip offs. Everyone should handle the donation issue however they feel comfortable doing so.
There is no right or wrong.

Granted there are exceptions that pop up now in then in alerts but for the most part rip offs by either party are very rare on Eccie compared to BP, etc.
In fact I notice more posts about providers getting shorted than clients receiving no service in the alerts forum.

Be honest with yourself about Why you have such an issue with upfront payment.
Holding off on paying till afterward is purely a control and power issue more-so than being wise or cautious.

You delude yourself by thinking the service will be better just because you're displaying a blatant lack of trust up front.

OK let's say the service sucks (lousy cbj, lack of enthusiasm etc)? You're still going to pay the full donation because said service was provided as agreed upon.
Your only recourse will be to post the appropriate review and never call back. You won't short change her otherwise the next alert Will be about you instead of RRyder.

My point is there is no difference in paying before or after aside from the fact that the one willing to succumb is displaying greater trust toward the other. The one who doesn't budge feels more in control. Big deal. Fuck power. Hopefully it's about an hour of great BCD rather than ego feeding.

The fact that Serenity found a healthy compromise by not jumping up to check the envelope till afterward shows she is willing to share the balance of control.

Given you're both Eccie there are better than average odds that neither of you has anything to be concerned about.

Hahahaha you have a lot to learn about GFE! Originally Posted by rockerrick
In my experience GFE in the real world usually includes a nice dinner out and evening of entertainment before retiring for some BCD. So even in the real world most guys are still paying up front to get what they want later.

Would you tell your GF "I'll take you out to dinner provided you give me some great head first"? For your sake I certainly hope not.
Read my first review. Oh yeah you can't because you're a newb w/o PA.
Thanks for the advice though. lol
If they are screening they know everything about me before I show up.
If I've paid over 100 girls what they are due, and there are no alerts, do you really think I will blow a 4 year reputation?
All I can say is I see all the top girls in ATX, SA, and Houston and none ask up front.
Oh yeah you can't because you're a newb w/o PA. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Being a newbie on Eccie hardly constitutes being a newbie to the hobby which clearly I'm not.

Why is it when you "Seasoned" posters lack any real rebuttal to common sense you resort to the ole "You're a newbie" childlike response.

I compare that behavior to those movie scenes where the less intelligent inmates are rattling bars and wolf whistling the new inmates.
The intelligent inmates just observe and access the newcomer based upon his demeanor and actions.

If they are screening they know everything about me before I show up.
If I've paid over 100 girls what they are due, and there are no alerts, do you really think I will blow a 4 year reputation?
All I can say is I see all the top girls in ATX, SA, and Houston and none ask up front. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Listen I have no desire to get into a dick swinging sword fight with a "seasoned" member. Just for the record I've probably been hobbying longer than you've been alive judging from your board presence.

This time please reread my earlier post before reacting.

I clearly stated there is No wrong or right. You are not wrong to pay afterward but that doesn't mean you have the right to judge or attack others as you just did with Serenity simply because they handle donations differently than you. They are not wrong either.
Who the hell are you to tell her she's a no trick pony? Are you the grand Poobar of Eccie?

Your antagonistic reaction to my sensible non-hostile post indeed implies you simply get off on being in control whether it be regarding donations or a simple thread topic.
Come talk when you have some actual Eccie experience under your belt Mr.Therapist.
And for the record, they don't ask for the money up front on p411 either.