full inboxes

sue_nami's Avatar
so why oh why does a guy write to me and then have a full inbox so I can't answer him? and then has no email link either. so how the heck can I say YES if you cannot be contacted. shall I name names or you gona clear that inbox hun???? I hope the guys who do this don't say I don't answer them and have poor tcb skills. if you want to contact me, send PM and u don't hear back pick up the dang phone and call me,.
If you're one out of sixty providers who received the same mass PM that might explain it.

Of course it might actually be because he just needs to clear his inbox.
Should have just titled a thread "fill in blank_____ clear your inbox".
Of course I never beat around the bush, well maybe twice......

Shout out Siren and Lisa.... lol
sexy booty's Avatar
every hobbiest and provider can add folders to your inbox to move those messages if you are not ready to delete them
I'm guilty mine is full a lot
GneissGuy's Avatar
I think your outbox also counts towards the total. That confuses some people.

You can download the contents os your inbox/outbox and save on your computer.