Pet Peeve Thread

Simple question, answers of varying length.

What really ticks you off in your life?

For me, it's the sheer amount of disrespect people seem to have for one another. It's one thing to hate a person because of a valid reason, but to hate a person for no reason at all. Give people a chance, dammit!
tia travels's Avatar
I'm ticked off at people who smoke cigarettes in their car...and toss/flick butts out the windows (whether driving or not). Why can't they just leave them in their ashtrays and dump them in a trash can at the end of their day? I sometimes see them open their car door and toss the ashtray right out on the ground when a perfectly good trash can is only a few feet away.

This also goes for those who are eating say...pistachios...or peanuts and I see the shells fly out the car window also.

On a lighter prize in the cereal box when there's supposed to be.
FK's Avatar
  • FK
  • 05-26-2012, 07:29 PM
Trash cans with no liner drives me crazy! (not in a good way) And if your so worried about the environment use those bazillion walmart plastic bags that you bring your groceries home in for your small trash can liners!

I've always been in favor of the death penalty for those who nearly cause an accident or drive 25 mph on the interstate while they are texting or talking on the phone! Some of us have places to be and people to do!

And don't try to tell me that coffee tastes good with that artificial powder or non dairy creamer in it. Real cream or milk in my coffee, or there is no point in having it!
Environmental Regulations
cumalot's Avatar
Pet Peeves
Cpalmson's Avatar
Fucking smug, liberal, elitist governmental types like Barrack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid who think government knows best on how to run my life and spend my money while paying off to the crack ho with 10 kids from 10 different sperm donors in order to get her unintelligible vote. Simply put, I despise the way our country is run. We need severe election reform laws that give those with a clue the right to vote and take away the right to vote for anyone on government assistance.
rodog44's Avatar
communists, liberals, progressives, or what ever they want call themselves when one of the words gets too negative
My biggest pet peeve.....happily married women that I want to fuck!
Bigh1955's Avatar
Our government's "wealth transfer" strategies...People who don't report ALL of their income...and...Dumbfucks
plainjoe's Avatar
A system that allows a man to impregnate 11 women and have 30 babies - of course, he does not marry any of them...and the women and kids are on government assistance.
What makes a guy think that he can get away with impregnating 11 women and what woman would go out and have unprotected sex with a "bum?"
Enviromental regulations... really?
I hate repeating myself and incorrect spelling... but more than anything, repeating myself. I hate it.
DallasRain's Avatar
I hate hate hate the commercials with the SPCA where they have those pathetic looking animals and Sarah McGlaughlin is singing

other pet peeves.........

getting a new haircut and then not being able to fix it the way they did

RAW tv

people who drive down the road with the radio blaring

washing clothes and losing socks......or finding "granny panties" in my dryed clothes{happened twice this month! and I do not wear granny panties}

guys who sweat on me in bed

and screaming babies at the movies
Cpalmson's Avatar
guys who sweat on me in bed Originally Posted by DallasRain
Are you sure that's sweat?
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--I dont mind cum