How Many...

elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
How may days can you go without "it"?
Peanut's Avatar
My first poll vote on ECCIE
SloaneMacallan's Avatar
Who wants to go a day without it??? I dont, Im a horn ball!!!!!!
LOL, I've been married for 16 years. I've found I can go months. (sigh)


Thank goodness for hobby time every two weeks!
theboss21422's Avatar
a week is the most
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I've been 9months before.....Not by choice of course.
Lana Warren's Avatar
The longest I EVER went without was 4 weeks, after the birth of my children! Was supposed to have waited 6 weeks, but by the time that 4th week arrived, I was climbing the walls wanting to make love! And naturally, momma got what she wanted!
.......people, people, people.............get a hold of yourself!.........
RobRoy's Avatar
Typically months or so.

Fucked yesterday. And if I did not have two airport runs today I would do it again today. Am scheduled with a lady tomorrow.
I have actually gone for a WHILE (more than 3 months) without, but it all depends on the "why" since it is rarely a $ issue.
Before I became a Hobbyists, well, a long time. But now is quite different. Less than a week for sure.
JohnJohn's Avatar
4 days...kept that streak going for years but eventually life gets in the way(LGITW). I voted A Week...Max in the poll.
Months- sometimes by choice and sometime just to see how long i could go, however the hobby has spoiled me.....a week max without it, im going crazy!
Stevexox02's Avatar
LOL, I've been married for 16 years. I've found I can go months. (sigh) Originally Posted by outbound
I hear you brother!

I have the reverse question . .

After a really great session, how long do you feel satisfied, or how long does the "itch" stay away?

After my last session it was like a week before the itch came back.