What's your Favorite Holiday?

Hey everyone it's the start of the Holiday Season!
Halloween thru Christmas and New Years!

What's your Favorite Holiday? and Why?

Mine as you all know is Halloween! And I just love to dress up! Ok, Ok, It's really all about this fantasy I have of being seduced by a sexy Vampire!

P.S. Will someone make me a headless horseman smile? I am so obsessed with that show Sleepy Hollow right now!
Does he favor Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise or Antonio Banderas?


I can't really pick a favorite because I love them all soo much! This is my fave time of year.
initial d's Avatar
Thanksgiving= family
Christmas is for the happy kids
New Years because I've been taking my daughter downtown to see the fireworks since she was a baby..
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-08-2013, 10:33 PM
All of those holidays are great!


Christmas time is my favorite. Everything and every place is decorated and dressed up nice. The bustling shopping centers and the malls. The beautiful decorated Riverwalk downtown. The music. Hell, all that is missing is the snow!

The first year I was here we got snow... I was laughing because it was under an inch and the whole city shut down!

I love Halloween for dressing up and silliness with my kids.
Thanksgiving, I always make a huge meal, the feeling of thankfulness and counting blessings is wonderful
Christmas, I don't put a single gift under the tree until Christmas eve after the kids go to bed. That way I can see their faces when they wake up. Best reactions ever
I have to go with Mokoa, I love x-mas! All the lights, like glitter, the cooler climate, making people happy with thoughtful gifts, it just warms my heart. The day after thanksgiving I put my tree & decor up, and I usually take it down around Valentine's day....lol

Last year I took a pair of my boots and dipped them in the ashes in the fireplace and made foot prints to the tree & presents, my kids flipped out, it was the most awesome scene ever!!!!

Speaking of Xmas, anyone else seen the stuff in stores already? Ok even this Christmas fanatic thinks that's a little premature ;-)
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
Holidays are overrated commercial crap. Its all about people making a buck now days...

Im gonna go out on a limb and say July 4th..... not for the party but for the true meaning of it.