A question about SA

chizzy's Avatar
This is weird. Now we all have probably text some on sa and at some point they have blocked you either because they were a scammer you found out about or whatever... when that happens you can no longer see their page but you still have any messages you and they had sent

Yesterday I was texting with someone and later texting with them. All was going well until they asked for money upfront to ensure I would show up at our first meeting...well I declined the offer and wished them well, not falling for that shit.
Anyway went back on SA and looked for her messages to me and mine to her and everything is wiped out???? Never had that happen

Anyone else ever see that?
I think that happens when SA bans them and deletes their profile
I just had a similar incident on listcrawler, yesterday morning. Said that she is on Rt.30 near Irwin, wanted me to come right away, I told here that it would be much later(after the Pens game). So she wanted me to open an account on Paypal to give her a $50 booking fee.
not even remotely related to your issue, but I'm frustrated with SA right now. I signed in this morning and a message onscreen said that they sent an email to xyz@xyz.com - I've had an SA account for...nearly 10 years(?) and used that email address since I joined. I don't log into that email account very often - it's probably been 2 years - So I go to login to xyz@xyz.com and can't login - go to reset password - email account doesn't exist. create new account xyz@xyz.com - username already exists. ffs. create brand new email account lmnop@xyz.com, sign in, 'illegal activity on your account'. Try to change email address on SA to lmnop@xyz.com and an error "email not updated" with no reasoning whatsoever.
FFS - I'm really not supposed to "computer" today am I?

rant over
I had the same thing happen. You have to delete the old account and make a new one. I emailed support and they helped. I think they have to do something on their end to clear the old account. Was kinda nice starting completely fresh. Some of the girls that shot me down or blocked me before ended up talking to me and actually nailed 3 of them. Good luck