MissyP's Avatar
1. How would you describe the best sex ever?

2. If A woman allowed you to do anything to her, what would you do?

*Asking for a friend 😉😂
You will probably get a variety of answers to this one. 1) But, it's when a connection is made that goes beyond the client/provider relationship. One when you desire the relationship more than the visual appeal, good communication, chemistry, the buildup, mutual satisfaction and sweet release. When your mind and body join a one, and the only think that goes through your mind is that you hope this never ends... 2) be patient and take my time. Some things just can't be rushed.
techiedad36's Avatar
1 - When a provider engaged in 'Making Love' (lucky enough to have found a couple of providers)
2 - Communicate and find out what she enjoys and fulfill that.
Precious_b's Avatar
When you grab their brain....
A hug, some non-stop deep throat, and a kiss goodbye.
1. How would you describe the best sex ever?

2. If A woman allowed you to do anything to her, what would you do?

*Asking for a friend 😉😂 Originally Posted by MissyP
1. A really sweet GFE, where you get to know someone over a period of time and there is a connection.

Or a role-play involving rape fantasy with a submissive girl.

2. It would involve light bondage, with oral, vaginal and anal sex and dirty talk.