This Would Have Been Me

badhusband's Avatar
And the horse would have heard me right!

A bunch of Indians capture a cowboy and bring him back to their camp to meet the chief. The chief says to the cowboy, "You going to die.
But we sorry for you, so give you one wish a day for three days.
On sundown of third day, you die. What is first wish?">
The cowboy says, "I want to see my horse." The Indians get his horse.
The cowboy grabs the horse's ear and whispers something, then slaps
the horse on the back. The horse takes off. Two hours later, thehorse
comes back with a naked blonde. She jumps off the horse and goes into
the teepee with the cowboy. The Indians look at each other, figuring,
"Typical white man - can only think of one thing.">
The second day, the chief says, "What your wish today?"
The cowboy says, "I want to see my horse again." The Indians
bring him his horse. The cowboy leans over to the horse and
whispers something in the horse's ear, then slaps it on the back.
Two hours later, the horse comes back with a naked redhead. She
gets off and goes in the teepee with the cowboy.>
The Indians shake their heads, figuring, "Typical white man -
going to die tomorrow and can only think of one thing.">
The last day comes, and the chief says, "This your last
wish, white man. What you want?" The cowboy says, "I
want to see my horse again.">
The Indians bring him his horse. The cowboy grabs the horse
by both ears, twists them hard and yells, "Read my lips!
POSSE, damn it! P-O-S-S-E!"
Not that funny White Boy, lol.
Forgive me but what does POSSE mean? How did the horse get it mixed up? I'm so confused. LOL. Damn preggy brain!
You gotta be kidding --A posse is a term for a group of good guys persueing the bad guys.A pussy posse is women.