In remembrance of this day 9-11-01

runswithscissors's Avatar
remember....such a powerful word....

I think each and every one of us remembers with a chilling clarity where we were on that day...

Sept. 10, 2001 I was boarding my evening flight out of New York back to Austin; having spend three weeks in the city working with clients, visiting old friends. Power walking down sidewalks, head down, cars honking, people cursing; riding the subway, enclosed in my private bubble, disregarding others around me..

Sitting on the back deck of my Austin home the following morning, listening in stunned silence to the radio reports of a plane hitting one Tower, then another plane hitting the second Tower; a plane hitting the Pentagon; a plane falling out of the sky in Pennsylvannia; a cascade of horrors....

I lost eleven friends that day....

I later returned to New York; funerals, memorials; my hotel found out I was back and did not bill me; I walked the sidewalks and people nodded hello, held doors for each other; I rode the subway, head up and saying "how are you", but of course you had to say "howareyou,howyoudoin?"

We all became New Yorkers......

Today is a day to remember....

A day to remember where you were that day and where you are today....

We Remember the Alamo
We Remember Pearl Harbor

But we Never Forget Sept. 11
DallasRain's Avatar

i will remember today--its an important day!
I always remember when I wake up to the World Trade Centers falling down, that it must be my moms birthday!

Remember those we lost, and remember the ones who are still with us.
DallasRain's Avatar
today is my SO's birthday!!
elcid180's Avatar
A very sad day in America's history maybe some of the pain will go away when we catch Bin Laden. I think Toby Kieth says it very well "we'll put a boot in you ass". Just say a prayer for those who were lost and their family and friends, runs included.
Beautiful post, RWS. I was very young on this day and didn't fully understand how horrible this event was for so many people. Since then, I have experienced loss of my own, but I still can not imagine what it would be like to have a tragedy hit that close to home.

My heart goes out to you and everyone else touched by a remarkably painful day in American history.
"...It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

God Bless America And To Those Who Have Given The Ultimate Sacrifice For Our Freedom!
ICU 812's Avatar
On this day nine years ago I was working in a Veteran’s Administration hospital doing cardiac tread-mill tests on formembers of our armed forces. Most had served in WW-II or the Korean War. My co-workers and I were in-and-out of the waiting room with the TV always on. I ducked in to bring the next patient back and he said, “Wait a bit Doc, “ (I am not an M.D.), “. . .theres been a bad accident. A plane just crashed into a sky scraper in New York.” We all watched a few minutes and the news was confused. First reports are usually incomplete and/or inaccurate and I brought the patient into the back to get prepped for his test.
When I got back to the waiting room, the second plane hit. Someone said, “That’s no accident, We’e at war with someone!” All day long we worked and watched. Peter Jennings was supercilious and demeaning towards those who had evacuated the White House. One of my co-workers at that time was a Shiite Moslem (dare I say that here?) . She didn’t come in to work till 11-ish when it was all over.

The patients were all men who had been trained to action at a formative time in their lives. They (we) were frustrated by our inability to immediately identify an enemy and strike back. One man had been a Ranger at Omaha Beach on D-Day. They were the unit of commandos that had climbed the cliffs at Pont du Hauk at dawn— under fire. I recall seeing him remembering the vigor of his youth and wishing, in tears, that he could rise out of his wheel-chair and once again defend his country.

A “Ground-Zero” Mosque? Sheria compliant USA? Let us not be so quick to forget September 11th, 2001.

Famous Last words: “Lets Roll!”
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-11-2010, 04:39 PM
I believe the video referenced in my 9/11 Tribute link communicates quite clearly our purpose in prosecuting the War On Terror.

Here is information on an excellent documentary about the 9/11 attack and the history leading up to it that aired on the National Geographic Channel...

Inside 9/11
I will never forget that day, I feel for the families and I say a prayer for the lives lost..

My thread on 9-11 in the Dallas forum .
God bless all off the men and woman who lost there lives and the family's and friends of those who still morn for there loved ones.

9-11 is a day i will remember forever. I remember just what i was doing when we heard what happen. I was still in High School and i had just gotten to my 2nd period math class and was writing down the daily class objective when they made the announcement for the teachers to turn on the news in the class room. I had never seen anything like it , it was truly devastating and something that has imprinted itself in my mind forever.