My "Two Girl" No Review by Shrek69

I absolutely dispute this review. I don't think he should be given any credibility for said review due to what occurred and how he behaved during said appointment. I am COMPLETELY shocked he would do so, so I would like to take a moment to tell my side of the story..

Shrek69 contacted me initially for an hour out call then later asked if we could do a two girl with Alexus. I screened him and we set a time to meet at his place. I called him to let him know we could be there a little early if he wanted and he said sure come on by. So when we get there he's obviously really nervous. He offered us each a drink, gave us our donation, we chatted for a min and then I asked him to show us his bedroom so we could show him the lingerie outfits we were hiding underneath our clothes and the bag of toys that we brought with us. He was really shy and nervous so we told him to lay down and get comfortable. We kissed and caressed and pleased, then I told Alexus to get on top and ride him. After she came we switched condoms and it was my turn to get on top. I rode him for a while then he wanted me from behind, he pounded and pounded me while fingering Alexus, I thought we were all having a great time. He kept saying how hot we were and how shocked he was because he was just having soo much fun. I thought things were going great and then he says he wants to take the condom off because he can't feel anything... I said well that's not happening, he said he knew that it wasn't an option he just wished it was because "it would just feel so much better"... So we switch condoms again and he gets behind Alexus, then after a minute he's like "Man I still can't feel anything I want to take this condom off" so we were like "well no babe we can't do that" and he said "well this just isn't working for me". I said "well we want you to enjoy yourself and but we just can't do that..He admitted that he had gone soft so I said "hold on I've got this" I grabbed my toy and put on a real show for him fucking Alexus with my dildo then when he was hard and ready I said "why don't you lay back and we'll give you a good hand job to finish you off" he laid back, a few good strokes later he's having such an intense orgasm that he's basically having a seizure it looked like. When we were finished he said we could both take a shower. He brought us clean towels and just kept saying how he had such an amazing time and how he couldn't stop staring at us but then we leave and you get online and go write a no review??? Are you Fuckn serious??? First of all we SHOULD have terminated the appointment the first time he said something about taking the condom off. Second of all he mentioned it AGAIN and we STILL tried to leave him with a smile on his face without exposing ourselves or risking our health, THOUGHT we worked our asses off for the guy and now he gets on here and posts a no review??? You're mad we wouldn't allow BBFS???

We did what we were supposed to do I swear you guys should have seen the look on my face and felt the range of emotion I went thru after reading his review. I LOVE what I do so my reputation and my reviews really matter to me. I went above and beyond to meet his expectations and he ACTED LIKE he had a great time sooooooooo I'm just so confused and frustrated. I will NEVER, EVER allow Bbfs so if that's why you're mad then you need some serious help my friend.

Here's a link to said review
Savannah Moon's Avatar
I was around 6 years before I got 1 no review.. I was CRUSHED.
Here is what I doesn't matter if he got off 10 times
The no means basically he would not recommend you. & It can be for is an OPINION

& That is their God given right.
Just because they gEt a nut doesn't require a yes.
It is what it is..
noleftturn's Avatar
Jessica you may not like what I have to say, so be prepared. You don't determine who gets Premium Access. He met the criteria with the information in the review. You are allowed to dispute the review as you have done. If you felt so strong you should have ended the date as you mentioned in this post. From what I have read he only asked for BB and did not get it. You were paid and provided service. That is your job. You have been in this business long enough to know chemistry will not always be there. Had you been given a YES this thread would not exist. PERIOD!!! But in this case he gave you a NO. That merely means that he would not recommend you to someone else. PERIOD !
That is his thought.

Many guys embellish reviews. Some even lie. I can only remember 1 yes where the girl complained. If the girl gets a no she feels violated and wants it removed. Girls receive "no" recommendations everyday all around the country. That is the purpose of this site, to review the girls seen and to give a recommendation on whether others should visit. One "no" should not impact your ability to earn money, but sometimes bringing a meeting that occurred to the forefront could. Good luck.
Cleo's Avatar
  • Cleo
  • 08-30-2016, 04:04 PM
Ms Rabbit, I appreciate the time and effort put forth in making your post. I do have a question. What exactly about the review are you disputing? If it is any of the actual facts such as, activities, date, location, or whether or not the review is real or took place, then please elaborate on which facts you are calling into question. If you are disputing whether or not the client had a good time and his opinion should be "yes," I respectfully submit that you may be overstepping a bit? The opinion ultimately is his and helping a client to "finish" does not constitute a positive opinion.

Speaking from the client's perspective. We rightfully have expectations which is why research and communication between client and provider is so important. I think most times, we get in a bit of a hurry or get so concerned with screening that we forget to communicate exactly what it is we're seeking from the encounter, thereby losing the ability to make a more informed decision as to whether or not the date should be set? Was this guy a "regular," someone whose tastes and predilections you and your friend were familiar with? Was the appointment set in advance and allowed time to discuss expectations/predilections, or was it a same day/short notice type of appointment where you and he only checked to see whether each other passed the "eye test?" (Whether each was legit or not)?
Jessica you may not like what I have to say, so be prepared. You don't determine who gets Premium Access. He met the criteria with the information in the review. You are allowed to dispute the review as you have done. If you felt so strong you should have ended the date as you mentioned in this post. From what I have read he only asked for BB and did not get it. You were paid and provided service. That is your job. You have been in this business long enough to know chemistry will not always be there. Had you been given a YES this thread would not exist. PERIOD!!! But in this case he gave you a NO. That merely means that he would not recommend you to someone else. PERIOD !
That is his thought.

Many guys embellish reviews. Some even lie. I can only remember 1 yes where the girl complained. If the girl gets a no she feels violated and wants it removed. Girls receive "no" recommendations everyday all around the country. That is the purpose of this site, to review the girls seen and to give a recommendation on whether others should visit. One "no" should not impact your ability to earn money, but sometimes bringing a meeting that occurred to the forefront could. Good luck. Originally Posted by noleftturn
Obviously I know I don't determine who gets PA and who doesn't that's not what i was trying to imply. I guess I meant "street credibility" .. of course there are times when the chemistry isn't there, but not due to lack of effort on my part!!.. I truly feel if you go out of your way to provide an outstanding service, you should give credit where credit is due. And no I'm not saying that just because you get to "bust a nut" that it should automatically be a yes review. That's not what I'm saying at all. If you met with a girl and she gave an honest effort to provide the best possible experience for you, just because it wasn't everything you had hoped for doesn't mean that I did anything wrong. No reviews should be reserved for those who are truly trying to warn the community about a bad provider. So just because you hired me for an appointment and I wasn't to your liking doesn't mean I deserve a no! I ALWAYS go above and beyond for my clients to ensure their satisfaction. So I feel if anything he shouldn't have written a review at all. Yes reviews should be written when a guy has been "wowed" and had an amazing experience. No reviews should be written for girls with fake pictures and bad attitudes. You meet someone and they go out of their way to give you a fabulous time but you just weren't wowed OK. Shit happens.... Why write a no review and try to hurt her reputation tho? And the most confusing part of all. Don't tell the provider REPEATEDLY what an amazing time you had then run to your computer and say the exact opposite.
Jessica honey I hear ya sista.....I'm still struggling with the "NO" review Malwoody gave me a while back. My business still hasn't been the same and I thought I did everything right!!

He still owes me a "Super Taco" at Jack in the Box that he repeatedly said he would provide...but I aint seen crap!

Hang in there babe time heals these wounds
Savannah Moon's Avatar
BD..I told you to remove those titty clamps before you went on your date with MW
I'm certian that is what threw him off..
Tough one. I agree with nolefturn that the recommendation should be based on if the reviewer would recommend the provider to another hobbyist. That obviously is left for very wide interpretation... And the reason ROS exists.

That said, we are reliant on hobbyists to be fair and honest in their reviews for the benefit of all. Omitting or embleshing anything does nothing for anyone.

Could be reading into this too much but this stinks of a guy who had regret during and after the session and wrote the review with that in mind.

Moral of the story... Research. One or even two No reviews amongst a pile of Yes's isn't a reputation destroyer. It's the regular multiple No's with similar explanations in ROS that do.

If anything, the one off No will merely prompt savy hobbyists to research and reach out enquire about services, expectations, hobbyists requests etc so you are both know what's up and are comfortable with the decision to see each other.
First let me say in no manner shape or form did I ask for bbfs!!! Would never ask for that! I simply stated to inform you both that our efforts covered up would not produce the results we were all striving for. Be careful with the assumptions here! The issue was I was not feeling it so let's try something else. If I had given a yes instead of no, would this still be a concern of yours (real or perceived). Do not let your displeasure of my OPINION cause you to misstate the facts!! Do not do that!!! Secondly, the question was would "I" recommend. Considering price, smoke smell, etc....then my OPINION is NO! I am sorry if my opinion hurt your feelings and I do understand that references play a key role in future business.

Was I rude or improper to either of you during the visit? Don't think so. Based on that the factor here is the NO recommendation right?

Furthermore, I do not appreciate my opinion being drug out into public spaces beyond my review. Just sayin...
"Throwing hot dog down hallway" not feeling it?

I currently don't have PA so I see what providers see. I don't read anything that should get this type of reaction from providers, other than "hell have no fury like a woman scorned". lol
Sir, no need to be distateful here. Let's just leave it where it is. Both sides have weighed in and that's enough. Thanks for your considerations to the ladies!
Savannah Moon's Avatar
That is true..when I got mine from Rjr I sent him a personal message..
And he explained to me what was out of sync
I honestly needed it..Personally it got my attention & helped me get back on far as paying attention to details.
We ask for a tremendous amount of much to not be focusing on..our appearence..our attitude..
Their specific desires& what we claim to bring to the table
And Jessica..I am speaking mostly about my experience.
A suggestion though
If you are smoker
Buy a vapor or electrical cig.
After you get ready for your date do not smoke regular cigarettes use those to tide you over until your date is over... I learned that the hard way too.It repulses a non smoker. I no longer smoke I do vapor. .HUGE DIFFERENCE.
Quitting that too because my fitness endeavors are more important.
You got a couple of NO's
Talk to them about how you can improve
You've worked hard on your rapport see what they suggest for you to step up that is exactly what I did and it was very helpful because anybody who knows me I don't just bring people in and help them bust a nut LOL I'm a very detail-oriented person and I love what I do... but also if I feel like I'm not going to have a good experience with somebody I won't even set an appointment!! sometimes personalities don't mesh well
cmore197474's Avatar
I will add that when I posted a question about vasectomy and female condomns jessica jumped to the assumption I was trolling for bbfs too, which I wasnt. So, it makes me wonder if she assumed something incorrect here.shrek 69, you may want to try a provuder that is female condom friendly.
First let me say in no manner shape or form did I ask for bbfs!!! Would never ask for that! I simply stated to inform you both that our efforts covered up would not produce the results we were all striving for. Be careful with the assumptions here! The issue was I was not feeling it so let's try something else. If I had given a yes instead of no, would this still be a concern of yours (real or perceived). Do not let your displeasure of my OPINION cause you to misstate the facts!! Do not do that!!! Secondly, the question was would "I" recommend. Considering price, smoke smell, etc....then my OPINION is NO! I am sorry if my opinion hurt your feelings and I do understand that references play a key role in future business.

Was I rude or improper to either of you during the visit? Don't think so. Based on that the factor here is the NO recommendation right?

Furthermore, I do not appreciate my opinion being drug out into public spaces beyond my review. Just sayin... Originally Posted by Shrek69
You brought your opinion to the internet. I too have my own opinion and I have given my side of the story. You commented about wishing you didn't have to wear a condom several times. Kinda makes you wonder when you keep saying something... for the record i am not proud of being a cigarette smoker but my Showcase, website and reviews all state that I am in fact a smoker, never during a session unless requested. My photos and menu are accurate I feel as if I did what I was supposed to do and as I stated previously I feel no reviews should be given to those who falsely advertise or give a poor performance etc. You said SEVERAL TIMES that you had an amazing time then get on here and write a no review I REALLY just don't understand but I've spoken my peace so it is what it is.
Savannah Moon's Avatar
He was respectful to you & those who were starting slam you..Perhaps you try the same tactics