Dreamy Hottie - yet another warning

Over the weekend, she bounced our scheduled meeting around from one day to the next and then texted multiple excuses for multiple delays yesterday. Finally, she texted that she was actually on her way - even texting a pic of a highway sign - evidently as proof. So,despite the repeated frustration, and thinking with the small head, I went out to meet her at the planned meeting spot. As you might expect, and I should have, she never showed. And, of course, then went radio silent. Evidently others have had similar experiences.

So to reiterate my advice: Don't schedule with her unless you are patient, tolerate frustration well and have nothing else planned for that day
mulletman66's Avatar
is there a link for her so i know who not to reach out to?
She is only on Seeking as far as I know.
mulletman66's Avatar
ok now i know who you are talking about. She had the place that was a total wreck and under construction