Safety/Health 1st....?

There is a base I would like to touch with ALL eccie members and providers. I am new to eccie but not necessarily new to the business. I am a real provider with a major problem.... Bareback. I am a clean disease and drug free girl. I take risks everyday due to the fact condoms do not cover the entire genitalia area. Infections can be in the pubic area, mouth and legs. I do not offer any uncovered services, and for that reason I cannot seem to get the substantial business that I want. I've even gotten a comment under a 5 star review saying I was not worth the money due to the fact I am not gfe. So I ask, is HIV herpes genital warts cervical cancers or even bacterial infections worth a lousy $100-$300 dollars to a provider or to a "hobbyist" a nut...? Me I would not like to tell my future S.O that I have an STD with no cure because of a poor decision and few bucks. So let's all make sure we know the common facts of STD's.

STDs are common among young people

About 333 million new cases of curable sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) occur each year among young adults around the world.
One in five people in the United States has an STD.
One in four new STD infections occurs in teenagers.
One in four people will have an STD at some point during his or her life.
One in 10 teenagers knows someone who is HIV-positive.
Fifty-six percent of teenagers 12 to 17 years of age think STDs are a big problem for people their age.
Some STDs can be cured, but not all of them
There are two categories of STDs. Bacterial STDs are caused by bacteria, and viral STDs are caused by viruses. As a result of being caused by different microorganisms, bacterial and viral STDs vary in their treatment:
Bacterial STDs, such as gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia, are cured with antibiotics.
Viral STDs, such as HIV, HPV (which causes genital warts), herpes, and hepatitis B (the only STD that can be prevented with a vaccine)—the four Hs—have no cure, but their symptoms can be reduced with treatment.
Some STDs have symptoms, but not all, and not all of the time
It is important to remember that some STDs cause no symptoms, and when symptoms do occur, they are often not recognized.
Most people with STDs have no symptoms—none! So you can be infected and infect someone else without knowing it. However, there are some common signs to watch for.
The symptoms listed below are tricky. They can show up anywhere from 2 days to a couple of months after initial exposure to the disease. Sometimes, symptoms can show up as long as several years after the initial STD infection. Specific symptoms might include:
Bumps or blisters near the mouth or genitals;
Burning or pain during urination or a bowel movement;
Flu-like symptoms, including fever, chills, and aches, as well as swelling in the groin area.
If you notice any of these symptoms or think you may have been exposed to an STD, seek medical care as soon as possible.
STDs are preventable
People can get STDs when they engage in vaginal, anal, or oral sex. The only sure way to prevent getting an STD is to not have sex. If you have sex with someone who has an STD, you can get it, too.
Condoms can dramatically reduce your risk of contracting STDs when used consistently and correctly, but they don't provide 100 percent protection. Still, if you are going to have sex, make sure to protect yourself and your partner.
Talking to your doctor can help
It is important to establish an open relationship with your doctor. Doctors are available to improve and maintain your health, not to make judgments about your sexual decision making. Doctors can provide you with valuable information about preventing the transmission of STDs, diagnosing an STD, and making sure you get the best possible treatment available should you contract an STD. Talk to your doctor about your sexual practices. Ask questions and address your concerns—that's what doctors are there for!
Being familiar with available health resources is important
Find out where you can get good healthcare in your area:
In addition to your doctor's office, where else can you find health information and treatment?
Are there local free clinics in your community?
Does your school have a health clinic?
Do you know the phone numbers of national hotlines?
Do you know how to find information on the Web and at the library?
Do you have a good relationship with a trusted adult who can help you answer questions about STDs and other sexual issues?
A good relationship with someone who can answer your questions or help you find the answers is very helpful
Try to develop an open relationship with your parents or another trusted adult, such as another relative, teacher, guidance counselor, or boss. While it may seem difficult to talk about sex and health with adults, they may be able to answer your questions or help you find the answers. They will also be able to give you support. Sexual health and STDs can be emotional issues, and having someone to talk to who will listen and offer advice, help, or provide caring is important to your health. Sexual health is an ongoing process. Maintaining your sexual health is a continual process, not a one-time act. Many people choose to stay healthy by not having sex. If you decide you are not ready to have sex, it is important to remind yourself why you have made that decision and to think of ways to stick to your decision even when it's difficult. The decision to become sexually active is one that requires the maturity and responsibility to take care of your health and the health of your partners. By talking about protection with sex partners and using condoms each and every time you have sex, you are taking some necessary steps to maintain your sexual health.

I know we all know the facts but at times like this I feel like we all need a reminder. I'm not bashing by any means. I just want things to be safe and an all around better business. Play safe!!!

XOXO Gia Foxx
Does this mean you don't swallow?

Bloodhound's Avatar
Sounds like you need a new line of work.
Guest091314's Avatar
I would have to disagree with you bloodhound, she is simply being smart and that is what is going to keep her alive longer.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 12-17-2011, 08:22 AM
I'm so glad somebody FINALLY brought this topic up....I'm not sure it's ever been discussed on here before.
very true!!!!!!
shooter6.5's Avatar
and the OP, Gia, is clearly a beautiful lady. Given her stated limitations and price range she will get less business. There is no need for a further lecture on safe sex-been plenty of that. Some care and some do not, and that will not change.

What she needs to do is look at her expectations and probably re-adjust them. What she wants and gets are going to be different. This is nothing new for a lot of the ladies. It is much better if they are honest with themselves and their prospective friends. And many are doing just fine.

And LA-this has been discussed many times here on this board as well as numerous other boards.

Have a great weekend!!
Kudos for you doing everything covered. Risk taking hobbyists like bloodhound can criticize you all they want. Just remember it's YOUR life on the chopping block when you go uncovered. Hiv from bbbj is extremely rare. However, you can get genital warts and herpes, which are incurable and could potentially affect your future relationships outside of the hobby. Most of the people in the hobby are only concerned with hiv because gonorrhea and syphilis can be treated with antibiotics and herpes and gential warts are just a mere nuisance to them. That's wahy 95% of reviews mention bbbj.

There are one million people infected with hiv in the United States. While most people in the hobby are drug and disease free, there is a disproportionate number of people who aren't who choose this lifestyle.

The person in this article actually had sessions with several providers on this site. A client can look perfectly "normal" and have something soap and water can't wash off. Do a search on this site and you will see various providers talking about having sessions with this creep. They had no idea he was infected. Fortunately for them, they walked away unharmed.

Again, it's YOUR life. Don't let others pressure you into risky activities. It's better to provide part time safely and work a full time job, than to provide full time unsafely.
No new line of work needed Bloodhound.... Thank you to the FEW who agree. This could be a great business if we as real providers (not druggies & scam artist) set our standards higher. I don't feel I should accommodate my prices nor my self worth. The real providers must suffer now (lower prices, lower standards, unhealthy work choices) due to the fact people just don't care...?
Jules Jaguar's Avatar

You can put up all the stats u want to and use all the scare tactics you want but honestly that is not going to convert guys to your beliefs and make them stop wanting bbbj.

You might as well be talking to a wall.

Keep doing whatever works for you, just know you will suffer in this biz if you cant provide gfe services. I dont care how damn hot you are.

No one person is going to change this because what you wont do someone else will.
I'm from the Midwest & where I come from GFE is not bb by any means. It's hugging kissing convo etc. We posted alerts on men who asked for bb! So honey the clients down here are kind of getting over on you.... I'd rather be safe than sorry. Thanks for the input. Also i'm not what so ever pushing beliefs these are facts.... Pro choice is a belief health awareness is not.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
maybe you should move back to the midwest to provide since its soooo good there for you

I was simply stating that this post is not going to change the way things are done around here.

So are you saying that the providers who provide bbbj are not safe?? because I have been doing this for years and I have never had a scare and guess what? none of the ladies I know have either.

It is you choice to provide what you are comfortable with nobody is knocking you for that, but dont come on here judging us gfe providers for how we run our business and we wont judge you for how you run yours

and when you say bb are you referring to bbbj or bbfs? because there is a huge difference.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 12-17-2011, 09:42 AM

And LA-this has been discussed many times here on this board as well as numerous other boards.

Have a great weekend!! Originally Posted by shooter6.5
No kidding?
At least on this board, GFE includes uncovered activities like BBBJ and DATY but not BBFS. There are many who do provide BBFS but it is frowned upon by most on the board. Especialy at your price point, if your not going to provide services like BBBJ and DATY, you will find it dificult to establish a client base in DFW. This is a very competive market and there are many, many ladies who will provide these services.

Your $50 to $100 over the average rate in this area. Its hard to convince a lot of the guys to try you when they can get the services they desire from many others at a lower price. It does help that your very hot :-). But, we have a lot of VERY hot providers at a wide range of price and services delivered.

It is possible to compete without these services but it will take longer and you need to come up with clever marketing and provide an outstanding over all experience, especialy at your price point. If you hang in there and exceed the expectations of your clients, you will be ok, even if it does take longer to get there.

And yes, health topics are common here
Look you need to reread what i've said .... I am not judging gfe providers I am simply stating you really don't know how clean these guys are. In Las Vegas They only want health tests from the providers not the men. Also whats with the hostility...? lol I don't know you if anything you should be impressed as being so young I take such notice and care into my work. Now I don't know how you take this thread but all I'm stating is we all need to come together to fix the flaws within OUR business! As you know this is a very profitable business, but obviously anybody can get into it. There are girls charging $25 BUCKS!?!?!? The real providers need to stick together not throw around catty and sly remarks towards one another.... I don't know what they taught in your sex education class or if they even had these disease types back then(considering most these diseases & cancers are from the early 2000's) but I am well informed.