Dead Heat in Massachusetts

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We're looking for another upset in Massachusetts. Worn out hack Ed Markie is running to sit in the seat vacated by John Kerry and his GOP opponent is Gabriel Gomez. So there you have it. A democrat with a history of ethical infractions versus a former Navy Seal. An ass versus a hero. The democrats are pulling out the stops to float Markie with money. They have to get him over his past. We have a chance to make a difference. Take a little time to donate to Gomez and restore some balance to Massachusetts.

We can each do out part.

............HACK!............. .............................. ...........HERO!.............. ............
I guess the Democrats couldn't find a sober Kennedy to take over the seat.

Gomez seems to be a northeastern Moderate Republican.

The people of Massachusetts have a unique chance to do something special here.
Let's see if they step up.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I guess the Democrats couldn't find a sober Kennedy to take over the seat.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
that never stopped them before
We're looking for another upset in Massachusetts. Worn out hack Ed Markie is running to sit in the seat vacated by John Kerry and his GOP opponent is Gabriel Gomez.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, If you are feeling confident of a Gomez victory on Tuesday, let me know. I want in on the action!
JD, If you are feeling confident of a Gomez victory on Tuesday, let me know. I want in on the action! Originally Posted by bigtex
Not a chance. Massachusetts will take a boot licking political hack over a fresh face in this one.

Party first, Country second. That is the only way you can explain it.
Not a chance. Massachusetts will take a boot licking political hack over a fresh face in this one.

Party first, Country second. That is the only way you can explain it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Shhhhhhh, let's not scare JD off.
chefnerd's Avatar
Shhhhhhh, let's not scare JD off. Originally Posted by bigtex
Quite true! It's highly entertaining to read his re-writes of history with zero substantiation combined with his total explanations based on zero comprehension of facts. But then again, for facts to actually get to his brain, he would have to remove the blinders, or at least expand the minute opening in them to allow some facts to get to his brain that do not agree with his narrow-minded pre-conceived notions.

That being said, I probably would not mind seeing Gomez win. He might actually bring some new thought to the table and perhaps a spirit of, oh I don't know, maybe working for what is actually best for the country instead of putting the party first.
JD, If you are feeling confident of a Gomez victory on Tuesday, let me know. I want in on the action! Originally Posted by bigtex
YooHoo, JD!

There's still time for you to take my money. But the clock's tickin'.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I notice you didn't have the guts to post on the 10th of this month Tex. I thought Texans went big or went home?
I notice you didn't have the guts to post on the 10th of this month Tex. I thought Texans went big or went home? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Does that mean we have a bet? How much do you want to lose, errrrrrrrr how much?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Like drinking, smoking, and drugging, I don't gamble either you gutless wonder.
LexusLover's Avatar
That photo of Gomez cost 10 points right out of the gate.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hey TEX, how about a bet on the 1984 presidential election???? (sarcasm)
Last chance to take my money JD.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Like drinking, smoking, and drugging, I don't gamble either you gutless wonder. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
so Sayeth Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farms!