The (true) 'Price' of this Hobby is...
Ladies and Gentleman,
What is the true 'Price' of this hobby? Have you considered? For yourself...for your client? Do you care? If yes, then please share.
1. It is what it is, move on? Who cares...
2. Absolutely, discretion is Rule #1, Rule #2 is never, ever transgress Rule #1
3. Yes, but the cost is mutual, for both the Provider and the Client
4. Yes, it's delivered returns of up to 1000x it's promise! (Providers)
5. Yes, as a Hobbyist, it's cost me dearly and it was worth every cent, moment and indulgence!!!! (Hobbyist)
6. Other, such as "outting", EMO, Life Perspective, etc.(feel free to share)
Is it worth it?
Can you leave it?
Why would you leave it?
Speculate on your future, if you will...share.