Help mods keep peace...

You know I see squabbles in the ECCIE forums often...Often due to the same parties over and over. I've at times been tempted to be drawn in more than I should I admit. I admit squabbling when I probably should not have There is a way to help the yourself...and help the board...

Its a little known tool called the Ignor list. Iggy lists are great cause if someone gets under your skin so much so often just place them on the list. Their posts are never visible to you from that point on. And if someone bothers you that much and that often, is anything they have to say ever worth reading? No more getting personal no more disrupting the Mods from more important duties. I'm positive people disagree with me all the time, I'm sure they hate my posts, they hate my sarcastic sense of humor. So be it...I'm sure I'm on a few Iggy lists already. So be it. I have no problems admitting that I have a few people on mine. Out of sight out of mind and a Mods best friend...Iggy list don't leave home without it.

Just food for thought.
Thanks for thinking about the Mods. However, if everybody starts ignoring one another, we might have peace - but, as we have been advised, no traffic.

Actually, passionate but objective disagreements are fine. Just avoid questioning someone's motivation or intelligence.
Traffic is fine I don't think there will ever be a case where someone blocks everyone. But my point is it just keeps certain people that are known track record offenders for continually questioning peoples motivations or intelligence.

Why I can think of an incident just today that someone I never knew, spoke to, PM'd, wrote about, wrote to. decided to question my motivations and "implied" I had some ulterior motives in a post string. But hey like I said I'll make it easy I'll make them disappear off my radar altogether and I still see the same amount of traffic. It's just that the sites traffic becomes more "intelligent, motivating and more focused" simply by removing their repeatedly offending banter. Addition by subtraction makes the forum so much better. Some may even call it censorship but for what it's worth I just call it "idiot proofing my experiences on here"
... Just avoid questioning someone's motivation or intelligence. Originally Posted by jackfengshui

Just for the record, I have neither. I spend too much time reading this board which is proof of that.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Just for the record, I have neither. I spend too much time reading this board which is proof of that. Originally Posted by cpi3000
But I know c3p0 is just a post ho..... cant I at least poke him with a sharp stick?
For the hell of it I tried to ignor myself To "idiot proof my experience here" and keep traffic flowing...But the only Message I got was...

"Sorry, but we can't help you Ignor yourself"

So I'm shit out of luck cause now I have to read this
Now wlhrgfan -can you give us world peace?
Now wlhrgfan -can you give us world peace? Originally Posted by Perryay
No I'm not Obama! One can't get those noteworthy Nobel Prizes for doing absolutely nothing...Oh wait...Hmmmmmmmmm
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  • Doove
  • 07-22-2010, 05:53 AM
Actually, passionate but objective disagreements are fine. Just avoid questioning someone's motivation or intelligence. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
For the most part, sure. But if someone spends 6 or 7 posts in 1 thread attacking a provider they've never seen before, i'm going to question their motivations. And i'm not going to apologize for it.
but the point is , lets bring about discussions in a productive way.. not a way where you have to demean or insult another member of this board... that is why this board is in the state its in... We are growing in this area. And as new blood comes in, they will try to make their mark, sometimes they choose the wrong way to do this and thats where we, the mods come in... to point them in the right direction. But for the other members to openly welcome them, thank them for their posting and insight, can go a long long long way to helping get things back on track and making this community better. Say your peace, and move on when in a disagreeing, but make sure that your reply to something is a direct answer to the question posed. No need for airing personal issues or innuendo, and no tolerance will be shown for personal attacks...
thanks guys, for the most part i think we have corrected some problems, which in turn means you will hear less from us!
but the point is , lets bring about discussions in a productive way.. not a way where you have to demean or insult another member of this board... that is why this board is in the state its in... We are growing in this area. And as new blood comes in, they will try to make their mark, sometimes they choose the wrong way to do this and thats where we, the mods come in... to point them in the right direction. But for the other members to openly welcome them, thank them for their posting and insight, can go a long long long way to helping get things back on track and making this community better. Say your peace, and move on when in a disagreeing, but make sure that your reply to something is a direct answer to the question posed. No need for airing personal issues or innuendo, and no tolerance will be shown for personal attacks...
thanks guys, for the most part i think we have corrected some problems, which in turn means you will hear less from us! Originally Posted by Docdave
Agreed. I was only pointing out that there are alternatives to a hostile board experience by a users choice. One can eliminate historically or frequent trolling, thread derailing, insulting and demeaning members for them selves without mod intervention. You mods do your job well and its appreciated. I'm just saying one can eliminate such problems by being proactive and not need to have moderator interference and it still will make for a productive board. I simply eliminate the opinions, post's and PM's from the people I don't wish to hear from and I'm at no loss for not seeing them on here is all. Just showing there are alternatives to Board bullies and over moderation on this board that if used could ease the distress that the state of this forum can sometimes be in as you alluded to.
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  • GP
  • 07-22-2010, 05:15 PM
For the hell of it I tried to ignor myself To "idiot proof my experience here" and keep traffic flowing...But the only Message I got was...

"Sorry, but we can't help you Ignor yourself"

So I'm shit out of luck cause now I have to read this Originally Posted by wlhrgfan
Isn't this like trying to divide by zero? LOL

In case you haven't noticed, this "new and improved" upstate NY section of this board is missing quite a few regular posters. I am considering becoming one of them. So much for traffic.
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  • Doove
  • 07-22-2010, 11:27 PM
I simply eliminate the opinions, post's and PM's from the people I don't wish to hear from Originally Posted by wlhrgfan
Great, then i'm guaranteed to get in the last word.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Great, then i'm guaranteed to get in the last word. Originally Posted by Doove
I would think if someone always has the last word. Then they learn nothing. Therefore nothing too (did I use the right to)give. I would not like always having the last word. That would be like saying I am always right, others are always wrong, unless they agree with me. In the world of black & white(printed page), most things are grey. Not being right or wrong.
What good is a black & white TV, without shades of grey?
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  • Doove
  • 07-23-2010, 10:12 AM
What good is a black & white TV, without grey? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
1 vote for OSD as resident philosopher.