Elizabeth Taylor passes

Any fans going to miss her? She was a fox in her day
Any fans going to miss her? She was a fox in her day Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
Yes she was a fox! She was also my Mom's favorite actress.

May they both rest in peace!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
She was extraordinarily gorgeous.

Not sure that I was so much a fan as much as there was respect for her career and her acting. I just LOVED her in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?".

Need to see "Cleopatra". She was such an icon of the times. I'm surprised more people haven't commented on her death. It wasn't expected. Or rather, it was a surprise to read about.

DallasRain's Avatar
she had beautiful violet eyes!
pyramider's Avatar
And she was nuttier than a fruitcake.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Foxmo is showing Cleopatra right now, I am sure they will show it again
She was an icon of true elegance and beauty, and despite her torrid marital history, with her beauty and talent she paved the way for actresses everywhere. Dame Commander of the British Empire, you will always be Cleopatra in my mind. RIP.
Willen's Avatar
With all due respect, forget 'Cleopatra', a bloated & pretty boring movie. (the on set gossip said that she and Burton were doing each other so much off screen that they had no real passion left when they went before the camera.)

"Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" is thought by many to be her greatest performance other than 'Virginia Woolf.' And she is smoking hot. Paul Newman once said that his greatest feat of acting was pretending not to be interested in Taylor in that film.
And she was nuttier than a fruitcake. Originally Posted by pyramider
I'm afraid you're right.

Her acting was not much to write home about either. She had a shrill voice that always sounded like she was whinning and screaming hysterically at the same time, and she never wavered from that. As in Cleopatra when she exclaims to Richard Burton, "You will kneel! I requested it from him [Ceasar] I DEMAND IT FROM YOOU!"

She was almost painful to watch at times. If she was a nagging and whinny in real life I can imagine why so many men departed from her various marriages.

And she didn't do the hobby any favor for her dreadful performance as a messed-up callgirl in Butterfield 8. She embodied all the worst stereotypes. In one scene she explains that she got into sex when she was very, very young [draw your own conclusions] with her mom's boyfriend, and then she goes on to scream in her own horrific voice,

"And you know what! I LIKED it!!!"

Of course characters like hers in movies in those days could never get out of it alive. Her character dies in a car wreck when she's driving too fast. I suppose according to that little morality play she either deserved it, or was just put out of her misery.

She was a terrible actress and not that great of a person, and she really hurt the hobby as well.
When I was growing up in the early 50's, every grown man I knew considered Elizabeth Taylor the most beautiful woman in the world.

I never disagreed.
Yeah and today's misguided youth thought the same of Britney Spears.

Both reverted to being flabby overblown alcoholics who couldn't stay married for more than a few months at a time.

That kind of beauty is barely even skin deep.

btw I envy anyone who had the good fortune of growing up in the 1950s. I would take Nat Cole and Tony Bennett over Lady Gaga any day! A lot has gone terribly wrong in the country since that time.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
and old pic