Why Do Republicans Hate America?

I'm just curious. Would anyone care to venture a guess as to why Republicans hate America and Americans so much? Republicans, care to chime in and let us know what is the source of your hatred of all things American?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I'm just curious. Would anyone care to venture a guess as to why Republicans hate America and Americans so much? Republicans, care to chime in and let us know what is the source of your hatred of all things American? Originally Posted by TheTexasTornado
Come on, bud. None of the "teams" should make broad and sweeping statements like this.
TexTushHog's Avatar
They hate the version of America that we cherish. Where everyone has an opportunity. Where the government tries to help those who can't help themselves. For them, the government has become a tool to radically redistribute wealth upwards. Anything that challenges that orthodoxy is suspect and dangerous. Simple as that.
you have turned reality on its head and made an america of your own invention, thats not to say we havent been sliding downhill your way
They hate the version of America that we cherish. Where everyone has an opportunity. Where the government tries to help those who can't help themselves. For them, the government has become a tool to radically redistribute wealth upwards. Anything that challenges that orthodoxy is suspect and dangerous. Simple as that. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I'm not a Republican so I can't answer for them, but I am a conservative....I believe in the America established by the Founding Fathers where the sole purpose of government is to protect the citizens' Natural Rights [endowed by our creator and inalienable] of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness....your communist view for America is hated by me because you believe in taking away people's life, liberty and pursuit of happiness....it's that simple

I agree with the Founding Fathers....you agree with Marx...History has proven the Founding Fathers to be correct and Marx wrong......over the long haul, conservatives always end up winning because we're morally superior and RIGHT....
Charlie Foxtrot's Avatar
conservatives always end up winning because we're morally superior and RIGHT.... Originally Posted by Marshall
Wow, the clarion call of almost every fascist regime and fallen empire. I applaud your trolling skills. Well played.
Wow, the clarion call of almost every fascist regime and fallen empire. I applaud your trolling skills. Well played. Originally Posted by Charlie Foxtrot

Fascism/liberalism is about tryanny, conservatism is about liberty........
I agree with the Founding Fathers....you agree with Marx...History has proven the Founding Fathers to be correct and Marx wrong......over the long haul, conservatives always end up winning because we're morally superior and RIGHT.... Originally Posted by Marshall

Looks like Whirly and Marshall might be able to share a room at next years "Social Conversatives" of America gathering at Bob Jones University!
Charlie Foxtrot's Avatar
Fascism/liberalism is about tryanny, conservatism is about liberty........ Originally Posted by Marshall
You mean like having the liberty to marry someone of the same sex?
Or the liberty to choose an abortion from a safe clinic?
Or the liberty to peacefully protest a war you might be opposed to?
Whatever happened to our liberty to travel unhindered without undue and overly invasive searches?
Remember when "due process" meant something in the country? Now the government just whispers "terrorists" and we're okay with shipping them off to another country for "interrogation" without trial or right to counsel.

And you call liberals the fascists?
You mean like having the liberty to marry someone of the same sex?you want the right to marry your brother and/or father? they are the same sex
Or the liberty to choose an abortion from a safe clinic?how about the right of the unborn human being to be recognized as a person under the Constitution so he/she won't be murdered without due process of law?
Or the liberty to peacefully protest a war you might be opposed to?how about the right to support a war you agree with and cheer when your enemies are killed....you know, the enemies who want to kill you because you won't convert to their religion.....
Whatever happened to our liberty to travel unhindered without undue and overly invasive searches?profiling would certainly extend this right to most people
Remember when "due process" meant something in the country? Now the government just whispers "terrorists" and we're okay with shipping them off to another country for "interrogation" without trial or right to counsel.
um, dumbfuck, non-US citizens not within the US are not entitled to the same rights as citizens.....
And you call liberals the fascists? Originally Posted by Charlie Foxtrot

Admit it, you are a scumbag communist.......

How about freedom over:
your healthcare
your retirement benefits
your private property
your choice of products/services you'd like to buy
Charlie Foxtrot's Avatar
Admit it, you are a scumbag communist.......
Originally Posted by Marshall

I may have a well reasoned and rationale rebuttal for each everyone one of your points but I can see I am wasting my time here. I've already allowed myself to be baited to far into this trollfest.

I believe the most important liberty we have is the freedom to follow whatever creed we so choose. You, sir, are free to believe I am whatever type of scumbag you wish and feel smug in your "moral superiority". I choose to turn the other cheek and walk away from this non-sense.
I choose to turn the other cheek and walk away from this non-sense. Originally Posted by Charlie Foxtrot

Mighty religious of you, now I can[non-physical] bitch-slap you on the other cheek....
I may have a well reasoned and rationale rebuttal for each everyone one of your points
and you MAY NOT HAVE....HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
. Originally Posted by Charlie Foxtrot
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  • 07-15-2011, 09:52 PM
I'm not a Republican so I can't answer for them, but I am a conservative........ Originally Posted by Marshall
Bla Bla Bla... you are a cheap SOB, that thinks it ok to start two wars, pass unfunded Rx to seniors and cut taxes at the same time.

That is not a conservative that is a greedy prick that wants something for nothing. You cry like a baby when Obama says it is time to pay the fucking bill and up your taxes.

You remind me of the idiot that yelled out he wanted the government to keep there hands out of his Medicade.


You sir are not a conservative, you are what you hate....a welfare queen.
cucharabill's Avatar
I heard an interesting point made yesterday.

Remember back in the 60's when all the liberals, hippies, and tree huggers wanted government out of our lives and to leave us alone?

Now it seems they're WANTING government to control all aspects of our lives and tell us what's right and wrong, good and bad.

That may or may not be true, but it sure does seem that way...