I have accurately and continuously described the most feverish supporters of the lying con man Trump as a cult. Cult 45. The Cult of Ignorance. Recently another board member claimed that if you voted for Biden you must be in a cult. It was off topic, so I'm starting another thread to say that it is a major false equivalence.
Most of us voted for Biden as a the lesser of two evils. We don't hang on his every word. We don't worship him. We don't believe lie after lie about how the election was stolen, even after 100+ court cases have tried and failed. We didn't storm the capitol. We don't leave ten political signs in our yards three or even seven years after the election. Go to any small town, or even some suburbs, and you will see them. You might see a few people running Biden or Clinton bumper stickers, but it's at least 10 to 1 Cult 45ers with Trump, Joe and the Ho, FJB, Let's Go Brandon, etc. plastered all over the back of their vehicle, compared to the occasional Biden or Clinton sticker. This Cult 45 phenomenon is something that I've never seen before. Not with Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, etc.
Some may try and point out that they think Joe Biden is doing a poor job and that's reason enough to claim that his voters are in a cult. Personally he's exactly what I expected, a mediocre, past his prime president, but even if it were true that he's doing an awful job, that would just mean that people who voted for him just made a poor choice. As I have said, many times, not even all the people who voted for Trump are in the cult. Some just thought that he was the lesser of two evils, or they just always pull the red lever. It's the specific people I've described above who are in the cult. There's no logic in comparing Biden voters to Trump's Cult of Ignorance.