That said, I'll take the R over a DINO anyday.
Partisan politics, and hate, just the way the D's like it.
Originally Posted by Devo
I would say it's exactly the OPPOSITE of what the D's like. I've not seen the hatred coming from anywhere but the Right. Our reps on the right, even wanted to fight in the senate, a R from Oklahoma, was ready to throw down till someone reminded him he was a senator. That's right- a fucking fight, right in the floor of the meeting.
When you are saying that hate is flowing, wouldn't you say it's the R's that are first to pick a subject and get all pissed off when they don't get what they want, and take their ball and go home= as a matter of fact, the hate flows like the dark side of the force within Darth Vader.
Hell they even held the entire country hostage while they couldn't make up their mind about anyone on their side that didn't have a black eye from all the fights they picked, or didn't pick. So when it comes to partisan politics, it's not the DEMS who are afraid of finding ways to reach across; it's the vast majority of the other side who is ready to eat their own before they let that happen. And if they cannot eat them, they just kill them politically by calling them a RINO. A RINO is anyone who would dare to try to find a compromise vs. quote a bible verse and tell the DEMS to pound sand.
Manchin was a good guy who decided the party he was in had changed, and the other side was even worse. Getting change in politics is case of "is the Devil you know, better or worse than the Devil you don't".