New thread on freedom of speech.

So I don’t get accused of hijacking a thread I am starting a new one about that thread!!!!!
The thread subject included Congressperson but was about Democrats and republicans
No the subject is party related or democrat vs Republican for those not seeing it. Poster was stating why they feel Republican accusations are wrong about democrats not caring about Freedom of Speech. Whether you agree or disagree with poster the subject remains about difference between republicans and democrats.
My comment about trump is “my opinion” that he has made Washington worse and is destroying the Republican Party.
And I will not be offended if you mention trump in bad or good light so bring it if you can
lustylad's Avatar
Ok, I'll play.

The DC swamp is on a course to engulf and devour us all.

You say Trump made Washington DC worse. I agree - the only way to make it better is to drain the swamp, and trumpy failed miserably on that score.

If orange man gets back into the White House, he'll probably fail again. Tens of thousands of unelected far-left woke un-American federal bureaucrats will constantly thwart his directives and his agenda.

And if Senile Biden is re-elected, the country will hurl even faster toward chaos and crises, both domestic and foreign.

Either way we're fucked.
Thanks for your honesty regarding trump, lusty. It's true he was a complete and utter failure who lied to the country about damn near everything for 4 years.

Biden hasn't been great either, but he's not nearly as bad as the right makes him out to be. There are legitimate, tangible reasons why inflation went out of whack, and they are affecting the entire globe. It's not all mean ol' Joe Biden's fault.

I swear, 35% of the country hates him simply because he beat trump's ass fair and square. And it wasn't close. It was a fucking landslide.
lustylad's Avatar
Thanks for your honesty regarding trump, lusty. It's true he was a complete and utter failure who lied to the country about damn near everything for 4 years. Originally Posted by tommy156
I didn't say that. I said he failed to drain the swamp, not that he failed at everything. His economic record was actually quite successful until the pandemic hit. The border was light-years more secure than it is now. The Abraham accords were tamping down Middle East tensions. Operation Warp Speed delivered effective covid vaccines in less than a year. I could go on... his successes usually meant bypassing or circumventing the DC swamp.

Please try not to misconstrue my comments. Again, you need to steer away from making sweeping, unfounded generalizations that are easily refuted by specific examples.
HDGristle's Avatar
Failed at everything confirmed
lustylad's Avatar
Failed at everything confirmed Originally Posted by HDGristle

HDGristle's Avatar
Now is the time to veer on topic. That graphic requires its own thread. Needs some editing.
lustylad's Avatar
...the subject is party related or democrat vs Republican for those not seeing it... the subject remains about difference between republicans and democrats... And I will not be offended if you mention trump in bad or good light so bring it if you can Originally Posted by mtnitlion
^^^ Re-read the OP.

We're perfectly on topic.
Not sure when that bogus graphic is from, but inflation is down to 3.2% as of last month. Next.
chizzy's Avatar
Not sure when that bogus graphic is from, but inflation is down to 3.2% as of last month. Next. Originally Posted by tommy156

big hurrah to hang your hat on, still over double what it was when he took office and for three years we have dealt with inflation as high as 8%

and you celebrate as a victory its now 3.2?

wow that logic means you are so happy you paid 100 bucks for a bj in 2020 but the price went up to 500 for 3 years but now its only 250 and its a win win for you.. carry on
Your math is waaaay off, bro. That's not at all what 3.2% means.

And of course it's to be celebrated. Would you rather it still be 8 or 9%? You do realize inflation is affecting everyone everywhere, right? In every country on earth? It's not just an American thing. At one point not too long ago, for example, Haiti was seeing 40% inflation.

Just so we're clear, it's a global issue. Anyone who blames Joe Biden for worldwide inflation is truly not playing with a full deck. In related news, anyone who credits trump for $2 gas is ignorant, as well.

It's embarrassing to keep having these same conversations with people who have no idea what they're talking about.
Your math is waaaay off, bro. That's not at all what 3.2% means.

It's embarrassing to keep having these same conversations with people who have no idea what they're talking about. Originally Posted by tommy156
... It's called "Freedom of Speech"...

#### Salty
Trumps low gas prices were from Covid. Basic economics. Supply and demand.
Demand went down
Supply went up
Prices came down.
And in addition during trumps Covid plan we paid more to wipe our ass to make up for lower gas prices. And that was only if you could find toilet paper.
I never had trouble finding tiolet paper. But lets discuss the pipeline and oil while we are at it. America first my ass
chizzy's Avatar
Your math is waaaay off, bro. That's not at all what 3.2% means.

And of course it's to be celebrated. Would you rather it still be 8 or 9%? You do realize inflation is affecting everyone everywhere, right? In every country on earth? It's not just an American thing. At one point not too long ago, for example, Haiti was seeing 40% inflation.

Just so we're clear, it's a global issue. Anyone who blames Joe Biden for worldwide inflation is truly not playing with a full deck. In related news, anyone who credits trump for $2 gas is ignorant, as well.

It's embarrassing to keep having these same conversations with people who have no idea what they're talking about. Originally Posted by tommy156
my math is just fine tommy. i stated as of today 3.2 is still over double what it was when biden started his destruction of our economy. Am I wrong in my math?

if you are referring to my example of getting your wee wee off, sorry i was throwing out an example, i dont do sprecific calculations for hooker board participants.
of coarse i dont want it to be 8% tommy but thats where it was with your bf.

oh and by the way whats the inflation rate in china? or saudia arabia? or switzerland or denmark or south korea or japan? how about fuji or hong kong? how about europe as a whole? all lower than ours.

im sorry you feel embarrassed thinking you know more than me or anyone else. if i were you, i'd be more embarrased closing your eyes to how this president has screwed this country from the economy to border control to screwing the common middle class person (with the exception of union donators but their getting fucked up the ass also without realizing it)