got a little incite about my new thread-not good- would lov 2 know- why is it that my past experiences w/Scorpio woman-seems 2 be a little more passion or insatiability- just me??
OP - that's great question. I'm not into astrology but I've had my experiences with Scorpio girls (in the civi world)...and 100% of them were absolutely amazing sex....
I can say first hand a true Scorpio...
I've been studying astrology for years. The sun sign is only one of many factors. In fact, if you read an astrology book written before 1900, they hardly mention sun signs at all.
That said, passion and insatiability are not restricted to Scorpios, it's just that Scorpios have a reputation for it. Try a Virgo. You might be pleasantly surprised.
I do astrology- for years. Being Taurus, Scorpions and I don't mix. They want to control me; not possible for them. Don't get their way, they sting. Leos, pretty much the same but they fight fair and square. Pisces, too offhandish for my caring nature. All the rest roger that.