Big name Hollywood actor claims cunnilingus not only causes cancer, but cures it as well!

boo-boo bear's Avatar
Well, the first contention -- that certain types of cancer can be causally connected to oral sex in SOME instances (note the "SOME") -- is well established from a scientific standpoint. As for his statement that the cure is more of the same, I'm pretty sure he was making a joke with a dry delivery and the interviewer just didn't pick up on it. I don't know of anything in his background suggesting that Michael Douglas is crazy (well, other than several poor choices "he" made in Fatal Attraction), so I can't imagine he was serious in his comments regarding a "cure."
rylstone's Avatar
In an interview with the Guardian published on Sunday, Michael Douglas said that his throat cancer was apparently caused by a strain of human papillomavirus (HPV) he contracted through oral sex.
The actor was diagnosed with stage four cancer throat cancer in 2010 and subsequently underwent an eight-week course of chemotherapy and radiation treatments; he revealed that his cancer was HPV-related after fielding a question about his history of tobacco and alcohol use:
Asked whether he now regretted his years of smoking and drinking, thought to be the cause of the disease, Douglas replied: “No. Because without wanting to get too specific, this particular cancer is caused by HPV [human papillomavirus], which actually comes about from cunnilingus.”
Douglas, the husband of Catherine Zeta Jones, continued: “I did worry if the stress caused by my son’s incarceration didn’t help trigger it. But yeah, it’s a sexually transmitted disease that causes cancer.”
The sexually transmitted virus HPV can cause cervical and anal cancers, as well as genital warts; it has also been linked to a growing number of cases of mouth and throat cancers, as the Guardian reports:
Mahesh Kumar, a consultant head and neck surgeon in London, confirms that the last decade has seen a dramatic rise in this form of cancer, particularly among younger sufferers. Recent studies of 1,316 patients with oral cancer found that 57% of them were HPV-16 positive.
“It has been established beyond reasonable doubt that the HPV type 16 is the causative agent in oropharyngeal cancer,” said Kumar, who also testified to increased recovery rates among this kind of cancer sufferer. This would help explain why Douglas was given an 80% chance of survival, despite the advanced stage of his illness.

All I can say is Holy Shit!

General Feuerbacher's Avatar
many years of serious smoking plus many years of hard liquor. those were not the cause.right
pyramider's Avatar
Of course not ...
Chung Tran's Avatar
what Michael Douglas was trying to say is, Oral sex on older ladies causes throat cancer....and it is reversible by oral sex on YOUNG ladies
I will take my chances if I can trade oral sessions with Catherine Zeta Jones
LazurusLong's Avatar
So. Who was he going down on that has HPV and was he an active carrier / transmitter of HPV?
Maybe he meant only eating the pussy of bi-polar BSC Hollywood actresses who happen to be your wife is the cure.
You guys can joke about it all you want, but Douglas had it right.

It is safe to assume that the active hobbiest here are a high risk group to contract it.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Soooo, he could be a cocksucker.... I knew it.
if I have to die eating pussy then so be it!! I mean WTF.. If I did everything in life doctors said not to I would be a fucking Puritan..then listen to the list of side effects from drugs they prescribe to make you better..

I am sorry- I meet a hot chick and we hit the sack- unless her pussy stinks or has other noticable issues; ie; warts etc-yeah I am going eat her out-I am great at it chicks love it so WTF.. I don't like to tempt fate, but I certainly don't live my life worrying about what happens the minute I walk out the door..Even with a provider as long as they are hot and clean.. last girl I reviewed Melannie Star- can you imagine if I said M "sorry can eat your pussy and make you cum 3 x.." (she wouldn't because she is a sweetheart) BUT I WOULD HOPE SHE WOULD KICK MY ASS TO THE DOOR. If you are afraid to go down on a chick you are in the wrong fucking hobby..go back to mini cho cho trains..
sorry should have read "can't eat your pussy"
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
can you imagine if I said M "sorry can eat your pussy and make you cum 3 x.." (she wouldn't because she is a sweetheart) BUT I WOULD HOPE SHE WOULD KICK MY ASS TO THE DOOR. If you are afraid to go down on a chick you are in the wrong fucking hobby..go back to mini cho cho trains.. Originally Posted by nosweat
Who's paying?

If a provider says "sorry I can't go down on you" I would kick her ass to the door.

If a provider gets upset because their hobby partner doesn't go down on them, than I think they are in the wrong hobby, and should go back to doll houses.

Unless she is paying for his time.
pyramider's Avatar
Its obvious that Michael Douglas should have CHEWED!!!