Keep it business it's hard we know - lol!!!

As you all know I am a member of the love con cult. And I am a poster child of when the love con hurts. I have a good friend that took it too far just recently and it broke an already broken man. Boys and girls please let's keep it stupid and not complex, boys be boys and girls be girls. Nothing leading or misleading just hot lustful fun. Thanks and fucking you Richard and Julia - lol!!! It goes both ways and love freaking hurts or many of us would not be here
Chica Chaser's Avatar

Again with this...?

No, its not hard at all.

-Make the appointment
-Have a blast (hopefully you've done your research)
-LEAVE (all of it)

Repeat later if you liked it, but never forget the LEAVE (all of it) part of the equation.

See....its not hard at all
Loved that hyperlink, brings back memories of bygone days. But it does not allude to what I am saying, the overly affectionate bullshit goes both ways.
When your mind starts getting tangled take a weekend off and go see Lucy, she has a way of straightening out fucked uppedness.