SA help

Does anyone have any experience with this SA girl?

We have been texting but it is hard to get her to commit


let me give it a try,,, pm me with contact info
I think I saw her on IG,,, but she never contacted me back.
JPran2011's Avatar
Have met with this girl yet?
She told me that my profile was “too forward” for her. It really isn’t forward at all. I don’t think she’s going to be a ppm type of girl. If you find out different, let me know.
Definitely not ppm. My profile is very forward lol but we were messaging back and forth and i came right out and said what i was looking for and her response was all caps with many exclamation marks saying no
pm me her contact info and i will give it a try
we did a meet n greet she is truly beautiful with huge boobs but I get a definite vibe that she is looking for $$ with no give back if you know what I mean