Remember, leftists tell us mail in ballot fraud never happens

berryberry's Avatar
Political Organizer and Former Democrat President of City Council of Atlantic City Charged with Submitting Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots

Approximately one month before the Nov. 8, 2022, general election, Callaway and others working at Callaway’s direction approached numerous individuals in Atlantic City promising to pay them $30 to $50 to act as purported authorized messengers for voters who supposedly wished to vote by mail.

After receiving Vote-By-Mail Applications from Callaway or his subordinates, these purported messengers entered the Atlantic County clerk’s office carrying anywhere from one to four completed Vote-By-Mail Applications. As instructed by Callaway or his subordinates, these individuals provided county clerk’s office personnel proof of identification and signed the Vote-By-Mail Applications in the authorized messenger portion before handing those signed applications to office personnel. The purported messengers waited while office personnel processed the applications and, if the applications were approved, provided to the purported messengers mail-in ballots for the voters listed on the applications.

Under New Jersey law, a messenger is required to deliver any mail-in ballot they received directly to the voter who requested the ballots, and certify that they would do so. However, after receiving mail-in ballots, these purported messengers left the county clerk’s office and instead handed the ballots to Callaway or his subordinates.

Many of the mail-in ballots collected by Callaway or his subordinates were ultimately cast in the names of people who have confirmed that they did not vote in the 2022 General Election – either in person or by submitting a mail-in ballot– and that they did not authorize Callaway, his subordinates, or anyone else, to cast ballots for them. Many of these mail-in ballots were counted towards in the election.
berryberry's Avatar
Surprising (actually not) how the leftists have nothing to say when more real evidence is shown
MrCricklewood's Avatar
For shites sake! Just a few decades ago you went to your local precinct ON election day, flashed id to verify you have registered then were allowed to vote. When finished you turned in your real paper ballot confident your civic duty mattered. That always seemed to work quite well, and we knew who won city/state/national elections late into the night or by the next day. With all the early voting periods now available as well as location options, it's already easier than ever so if you can't make that work you probably aren't competent enough to vote anyway. 24 hour drop boxes and democrats mailing out ballets are nothing more than creating opportunities for fraud. Add to that, the mad push to let non-citizens vote in all elections (which no other country would ever allow) and we have a corrupted, influenced, wide open for fraud. All the lies from Georgia and the president even stating it's gonna be "Jim crow 2.0" was proven 100% malarkey! More people voted that ever, and no complaints on exit surveys! Keep it simple, it has been proven to work quite well. Raining ballots like confetti at a ticker tape parade and coddling their dependants which Dems have defined as "victims" (while keeping them close with freebies and false promises) is undemocratic and quite simply fraud and election interference.
lustylad's Avatar
Well said, Mr. Cricklewood!
eyecu2's Avatar
Ok, so getting people to vote is now undemocratic? Got it.

It's a long known tactic of conservatives to stifle voter in general so they can rely on the fact that when more people vote, Republicans lose. Wonder why that is? Cause not everyone is motivated to vote in person, and some people cannot.

There are multiple reasons for mail in votes and every state has it's rules for doing so. Making false claims or claims not validated in a court of law, is simply a bunch of BS.

Get the tin foil out.... hats are required to vote- Red or Silver- your choice.
Also, before MAGA, Republicans voted by mail in larger numbers than Democrats all the fucking time.

It's amazing how trump voters refuse to see the real issue here. trump knew he was going to lose if every vote got counted, so he tried everything he could think of to make sure they didn't.

Included among creating fake electors, pressuring state AGs, and even harassing simple poll workers, was his conspiracy to defraud and derail the U.S. postal service. He installed his toadie Louis DeJoy to dismantle the giant sorting machines in an effort to grind everything to a halt at the USPS.

But don't take my word for it, go ask any postal employee who worked there during 2020-21 how their job was turned on its head for 6-8 months over this fraudulent bullshit. I clearly remember it taking a week or so for a simple letter or bill to make it less than 100 miles from my house, and upwards of a month for correspondence from California. Lol. Truly pathetic, banana republic shit.

Luckily trump's plan to steal the election fell through, because again, Republicans love mail-in voting too.
eyecu2's Avatar
Also, before MAGA, Republicans voted by mail in larger numbers than Democrats all the fucking time.

It's amazing how trump voters refuse to see the real issue here. trump knew he was going to lose if every vote got counted, so he tried everything he could think of to make sure they didn't.

Included among creating fake electors, pressuring state AGs, and even harassing simple poll workers, was his conspiracy to defraud and derail the U.S. postal service. He installed his toadie Louis DeJoy to dismantle the giant sorting machines in an effort to grind everything to a halt at the USPS.

But don't take my word for it, go ask any postal employee who worked there during 2020-21 how their job was turned on its head for 6-8 months over this fraudulent bullshit. I clearly remember it taking a week or so for a simple letter or bill to make it less than 100 miles from my house, and upwards of a month for correspondence from California. Lol. Truly pathetic, banana republic shit.

Luckily trump's plan to steal the election fell through, because again, Republicans love mail-in voting too. Originally Posted by tommy156
Remember how Trump appointee- Louis DeJoy decided to dismantle several HUGE automatic sorting machines just a few months before a presidential election; which by the way was during a pandemic and with an spike in requests for mail in ballots?? Dismantle is likely the wrong word, and most were cut apart and had specialty wiring harnesses that couldn't be repaired or were sawn through by metal cutting saws during the destruction of the machines.

As a Trump appointee- didn't that raise any eyebrows for those folks on the right?

It sure did for EVERYONE on the left and is likely a contributor to some of the delays in getting the mail (votes included) to the right addresses in general, or at all!

TALK ABOUT FRAUD. - remember it's what the one side accused the other of doing- but were doing themselves to try to control and election!!!

Dejoy was going to dismantle over 640 automated sorting machines that sort the mail. And when you figure- A national Economist/YouGov survey conducted August 16-18,2020 found that 55% of Biden supporters but just 19% of Trump supporters plan on voting by mail while 26% of Biden supporters and 54% of Trump supporters plan on voting in-person on Election Day.

And this was no simple dismantling of machines. THey were destroyed because Dejoy didn't think they were needed despite the cry's of the Postal Union and workers. And eventually the House members and the public raising the alarm of what was quietly going on in the background.

berryberry's Avatar
Well said, Mr. Cricklewood! Originally Posted by lustylad
Indeed !!!!
berryberry's Avatar
There are multiple reasons for mail in votes and every state has it's rules for doing so. Making false claims or claims not validated in a court of law, is simply a bunch of BS.
Originally Posted by eyecu2
So I take it you are disputing there is mail in ballot fraud?

Care to provide actual evidence refuting the mail in ballot fraud discussed in the OP?
Remember how Trump appointee- Louis DeJoy decided to dismantle several HUGE automatic sorting machines just a few months before a presidential election; which by the way was during a pandemic and with an spike in requests for mail in ballots?? Dismantle is likely the wrong word, and most were cut apart and had specialty wiring harnesses that couldn't be repaired or were sawn through by metal cutting saws during the destruction of the machines.

As a Trump appointee- didn't that raise any eyebrows for those folks on the right?

It sure did for EVERYONE on the left and is likely a contributor to some of the delays in getting the mail (votes included) to the right addresses in general, or at all!

TALK ABOUT FRAUD. - remember it's what the one side accused the other of doing- but were doing themselves to try to control and election!!!

Dejoy was going to dismantle over 640 automated sorting machines that sort the mail. And when you figure- A national Economist/YouGov survey conducted August 16-18,2020 found that 55% of Biden supporters but just 19% of Trump supporters plan on voting by mail while 26% of Biden supporters and 54% of Trump supporters plan on voting in-person on Election Day.

And this was no simple dismantling of machines. THey were destroyed because Dejoy didn't think they were needed despite the cry's of the Postal Union and workers. And eventually the House members and the public raising the alarm of what was quietly going on in the background.

Originally Posted by eyecu2
Yep. Nothing to see here. Just trump pissing on our heads and telling us it raining. Of course, his voters opened up their mouths and gargled his golden shower like the good little whores for the big lie that they are.

Honestly, this is history book shit. He fucking installed a henchman to help destroy the USPS, like a mob boss would. No leader of any westernized democracy has ever been such a traitor to his own country like this. And the fact that he hasn't been roundly dismissed yet by the Republican party tells us all we need to know about cults and how fuckwads like Hitler came into power.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Gentlemen back on topic thread is about mail in ballots and fraud
berryberry's Avatar
Yep. Nothing to see here. Originally Posted by tommy156
I will pose the same question to you as I did to Eye

So I take it you are disputing there is mail in ballot fraud?

Care to provide actual evidence refuting the mail in ballot fraud discussed in the OP?
eyecu2's Avatar
So I take it you are disputing there is mail in ballot fraud?

Care to provide actual evidence refuting the mail in ballot fraud discussed in the OP? Originally Posted by berryberry
From the Brennan center:

Sensationalist claims have circulated this election season about the extent of voter fraud, with some politicians going so far as to tell voters to fear that this November’s election will be “rigged.” Because electoral integrity is one of the elements necessary to making America the greatest democracy in the world, claims like this garner media attention, and frighten and concern voters. But putting rhetoric aside to look at the facts makes clear that fraud by voters at the polls is vanishingly rare, and does not happen on a scale even close to that necessary to “rig” an election.

Just a singular snippet from the link:
Government Investigations Agree: Voter Fraud Is Rare

 Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, a longtime proponent of voter suppression efforts, argued before state lawmakers that his office needed special power to prosecute voter fraud, because he knew of 100 such cases in his state. After being granted these powers, he has brought six such cases, of which only four have been successful. The secretary has also testified about his review of 84 million votes cast in 22 states, which yielded 14 instances of fraud referred for prosecution, which amounts to a 0.00000017 percent fraud rate.

Can fraud happen- Sure- anything can happen, but statistically it doesn't have an impact on any of the elections, and there is not one case that has been through the legal process that would suggest otherwise. The part where allegations meets facts and is presented to a jury to decide, has yielded ZERO conclusive results that fraud for mail in ballots for either party is happening. If anything, mail in voting, that aligns with voter rolls and signature comparisons etc, when validating votes is not only safe, but it's also without the corruption being asserted and more specifically - PROVEN.

Specific to NJ;

New Jersey ID Requirements for Voting By Mail
Any registered voter in New Jersey can vote by mail. No excuse is required but you must request a ballot.

You do not need a copy of their ID to vote by mail in New Jersey.

BUT: If it is your first time voting in a federal election in New Jersey, please see the federal ID requirements for first-time voters. A federal election is when you vote for the President, your Congressional Representative or your Senators.

The signature on your mail ballot must match your signature on file with the state.

IF they are a registered voter, they only need to request a ballot:

if they aren't registered, they need to do so and it's fairly easy-subject to federal laws and guidelines.

additionally:Can I vote by mail-in ballot?
Any registered voter in New Jersey can vote by mail rather than in person at the polls, but you must first apply for a vote-by-mail ballot. You can obtain an application to vote by mail from your county clerk’s office or online. Mail the completed application form so it arrives at least seven days before the election, or deliver it in person to your county clerk by 3 p.m. on the day before the election.

Once you have applied for and received a vote-by-mail ballot, you can return your ballot in one of three ways: by mail (postmarked by election day), using a ballot drop box (deposited by 8 p.m. on election day), or in person at your county Board of Elections office (by 8 p.m. on election day). You can track the progress of your ballot online.

I didn't read anything about a messenger or other certified carrier for voter ballots etc. I don't think that is a part of this process.
There has NEVER ONCE been a case of mail-in voter fraud that could possibly come anywhere close to changing the outcome of an election. At least not in U.S. history. In fact, the only cases of voter fraud found in Pennsylvania in 2020 were by Republicans. And even then, it was only a few mental midgets taking part. All they did was push Joe's winning total ahead by a dozen or so votes.
berryberry's Avatar
From the Brennan center: Originally Posted by eyecu2
The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law is a liberal or progressive nonprofit law and public policy institute.

The Brennan Center - We Stand for Equal Justice — Help Us Protect Election Workers, Defend Voters of Color, and Keep Polling Places Safe. Our Team at the Brennan Center Has a Plan to Stop Election Deniers

Seems like quite the biased source you chose

Specific to NJ;

New Jersey ID Requirements for Voting By Mail

I didn't read anything about a messenger or other certified carrier for voter ballots etc. I don't think that is a part of this process. Originally Posted by eyecu2
No one asked you to recite whatever you could google on NJ ID requirements for voting

I asked "Care to provide actual evidence refuting the mail in ballot fraud discussed in the OP"?

It is obvious by your non answers and deflection that you can not.

Thanks for confirming mail in ballot fraud exists