
LovingKayla's Avatar
pyramider's Avatar
I kept waiting for the red teddie to come off the girl.

Sounds like a Ashley Madison, or Adult Friend Finder.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Weeellll, I think I'll take my digital dick to the digital chick in the ad...LOL! That way I can impersonate John Holmes instead of "Wee Willie" Keeler (for those of you scoring at home, he was a baseball player from back in the day, waaay back: dead ball era, 1892-1910, coined the phrase "hit 'em where they ain't"). No extra charge for the trivia.

To answer the question: I haven't exhausted the options on here and P411 and I don't thnk I will before they either wheel me to the "home" or to the mortuary. Consequently, both FB's are beside my point.
TexRich's Avatar
Got an invite from Amy Taylor the other day....