Filthy Incalls

Jazzplayer's Avatar
Recently I met a provider at an apartment incall. The place was filthy! Health department would have closed it down if they were blindfolded. Being the fool that I am, I went I. With the secession. ( dog crap on the floor, trash everywhere, bathroom un sanitary)

I wish I would have bailed. Anyone have similar experience? What do you say, " I'm leaving; need to get a shot at the doctor; what did I just catch?
Hobbyfun's Avatar
You are brave Jazzplayer there is no way I would have gone ahead with the session. You should have told the provider that although you would love to have a session your just afraid that if her place is that filthy you have concerns what her personal hygiene is like and that you would like to reschedule when she cleans up.

While this might be considered rude you would be doing her a favor in the long run.

They are having a special at pet-smart if you need to go get a flea dip for yourself.
Texasquest's Avatar
I assume you let the other gentemen know this in the REVIEW you did on her...