how do I delete a review that I made

please if anybody can help me can you delete a review that you made and how?

Oh, this shit is toooo funny. Seriously, I cannot stop laughing.
It is great review, I loved it.

By posting here, u will get more views. Just live and learn. Worst things have happened. Fyi, once u hit submit, u have an hour to make changes. After that, eccie owns it. The more views u get, the more marketing power eccie has to sell ads. It is business decision now.
If you need some of the info edited, hit the RTM button that is in the lower left corner of each post made on ECCIE. It looks like this . Enter the info you need to edit and one of the local mods should get you taken care of shortly.

The Colonel
I'm assuming his issue was the two "I'll pass" responses that followed his first review, haha! Could he delete those, too, by pressing the RTM button? And because we helped him the first time, he naturally thinks the national board is the place to post a follow up.

Oh, this board is so entertaining.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I thought reviews could not be deleted. Whatever the ZZ Top guy says is probably the best though.
The mods will aid if PT topics are discussed. And may have help. Give it try.

I did think it was very good scooby.
Still Looking's Avatar
6/5 the next one is how do I post a picture!