Ladies would you see this "prostidude"?

Dick Diamond's Avatar
Ladies would you see this "prostidude"?

He looks kinda creepy and I know he's not the only one,but the first legal prostidude.

A brothel in a Nevada desert town has hired the state's first male prostitute, a muscular college dropout who abandoned a brief stint as a porn actor in Los Angeles to become the only legal gigolo in the United States.

The small, fenced-in brothel includes a French-themed foyer that displays a pricing menu -- $200 for 40 minutes, $300 per hour.

"All this gay homophobia in this country is horrible," Davis said. "Everybody's so damn scared two men might have sex -- it's happening every day in Las Vegas. Not going to happen here, but that's all the big fear, is gay people."
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 01-22-2010, 02:09 PM
Very interesting.. I might if I make my way out there..
No, at 25 he's to young for my taste! I like my gentlemen a bit more seasoned!
But I'm sure he will make some ladies smile.
frankly he does have that 'gay' look and I dont find him attractive at all....
He looks like a guy on America's Most Wanted that grabs little old ladies purses at the bus stop and runs like Hell!!
Nope. Doesn't "do it" for me. Too cheesy his eyebrows are more manicured then mine -and if you're a decent-looking female you can pretty much get laid anytime, anywhere by anyone So, I certainly couldn't justify p4p. Now-if they were featuring Ewan McGregor or Pierce Brosnan I'd reconsider.
He looks a little creepy to me!
gman45's Avatar
txtraveler07's Avatar
Maybe it's just me, but he looks like the gay version of Steve-O. Which I find pretty disturbing.
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 01-22-2010, 08:15 PM

Come on, it's the first prostidude!
Realistically, attractive successful men probably wouldn't be the first ones to become legal in the public world..

You take what you can get sometimes..
Even the funny looking ones need some lovin' too!
txtraveler07's Avatar

Come on, it's the first prostidude!
Realistically, attractive successful men probably wouldn't be the first ones to become legal in the public world..

You take what you can get sometimes..
Even the funny looking ones need some lovin' too!
Originally Posted by PeAcH
Hey, if you're looking for a funny lookin' guy to pay for some lovin, you don't have to go all the way out to Nevada.
If he had Vulcan ears, he could pass for Spock's son.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
This is my favorite part of the article"

And he created a dustup after telling Details Magazine that his pioneering role in the sex business was "just the same" as civil rights icon Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat and move to the back of the bus. Not surprisingly, he has been forbidden from doing interviews after the remarks.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-22-2010, 10:29 PM
Well, at least we know which head is actually working.
I must agree with you Devyn... He is not my type @ all. Plus I get laid enough lol... No need to go hunting for some. My austin guys take care of me just fine!