If you were to take an Afternoon off during the normal Work Week what day is easiest for you?

Whispers's Avatar
There is a benefit to being in business for myself!
nuglet's Avatar
self edit
nuglet's Avatar
You're right, and even better to have sold the business and retired at 40.. I need to get a hobby... OH, WAIT......... I DID!!!
I'm in business for myself too, so I can take off whenever I want. But, I also have to work 14-16 hour days for the next 3 months, so taking off to play means I will pay for it later.
nuglet's Avatar
TGBFI, wow that sucks man. But I know, gotta make hay while the sun shines.........
NipLover's Avatar
I work for a large corp, but I can get pretty creative at times. I can usually make 2 or 3 hours (or more) happen when I want to.
Yeah, audit and tax season, gotta get it while I can.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Mondays are best for me. I am off most mondays. Wednesday would be my second choice. Otherwise I am looking at 4 or 5 to get off work. I work pretty late in general so 4-5pm is leaving work "early" for me.

I do whatever I damn well please on sundays
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I, too, work for a large corporation. Probably Friday afternoons are the easiest for me to take off, but since I work 100% from home, I can sneak away very easily at any time most days. Often head to the gym during work hours.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 01-23-2010, 07:26 PM
With a few days notice, I can make any afternoon work.

Haven't been out to a club in 2010 yet... I guess I should rectify that soon!
ManUp's Avatar
  • ManUp
  • 01-24-2010, 09:13 PM
I hobby anytime Mon - Sat and rest on Sun!