Trump Support Dips as Most Republicans Say 'Fresh Face' Needed in 2024

Yssup Rider's Avatar
For those who need proof ...


Trump Support Dips as Most Republicans Say 'Fresh Face' Needed in 2024

A majority of Republicans would prefer a "fresh face" to run for president in 2024 while support for former President Donald Trump is "tanking," according to a new poll.

A poll released on Wednesday by former Trump adviser John Bolton's Super PAC found that 56 percent of GOP primary voters think that a new Republican candidate is needed to defeat President Joe Biden in the next election. While about 50 percent of all of the poll's respondents said that they had an unfavorable view of Biden, 53 percent said they had an unfavorable view of Trump.

Support for Trump's false claims of a "stolen" 2020 election also appeared to be waning. A 79 percent majority of all voters, including 67 percent of GOP primary voters, agreed that "Joe Biden is legally the president." A 70 percent majority, including a 49 percent plurality of Republicans, said that votes in the 2020 election were "counted accurately."

In a hypothetical 2024 rematch, Biden was slightly favored over Trump by a margin of 45 percent to 44 percent, with 11 percent undecided. An edition of the poll released in September showed Trump leading instead. Among the undecided 2024 voters, 64 percent had an unfavorable view of Trump and 57 percent had an unfavorable view of Biden.

Trump's power to influence other GOP elections was also in doubt, as fewer than 16 percent of Republicans said that they would "definitely vote for" a Trump-endorsed candidate—a significant drop from September when 29 percent said they would back Trump candidates. Bolton said that "tanking" support for the ex-president was evidence that the Republican Party was no longer "dominated by Trump."

"The trend lines across our polls are definitive—support for Donald Trump is tanking within the Republican party," Bolton said in a statement. "Trump's endorsements are becoming irrelevant at best. For over a year, Trump has been telling anyone who'd listen 'the election was stolen'—now when Trump says that voters shake their heads. They see Trump's personality as a major weakness."

Trump was still the frontrunner in a hypothetical nine-candidate 2024 GOP primary, with 36 percent support. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, supported by 19 percent of respondents, was by far the most popular of his potential Republican challengers. In September, the poll showed DeSantis and Trump nearly tied, with the ex-president leading by 26 percent to 25 percent.

Although he has not announced his candidacy, many political observers have viewed DeSantis as a potential 2024 Republican frontrunner. He has also been seen as a possible primary challenger to Trump, at least partly due to perceived tensions between the pair increasing

Trump called politicians who refuse to publicly say whether they have received a COVID-19 vaccine booster dose "gutless" during a One America News Network interview last week. Many saw the remark as a dig at DeSantis, who had recently declined to disclose his booster status.

The poll, the fourth released in 10 months from the John Bolton Super PAC, was conducted among 1,000 likely voters. It has a margin of error of 3.1 percent.

Newsweek reached out to Trump's office for comment.
How's the support for BRANDON...another Trump obsessed poster with a ZERO stars thread. I love how you worry so much about him, now you two get a room!!BRANDON is president...tell us about your idiolization of him and why you can't seem to come up with any reason to start a thread on his greatness...another worthless distraction by HoseHummer.
I haven't seen any indication that anyone "idolizes" Biden. These threads are about a lifelong con man who tried to discard democracy and take over the nation as "his".

And more entertaning, about his impending demise from importance.
And likely (another) bankruptcy and an unguided tour of prison life.
  • Tiny
  • 01-21-2022, 02:36 PM
For those who need proof ...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Good news from where I sit. As you said in another thread, it's difficult for Republicans to be competitive when Trump is figurehead of the party.
Those polls are rigged of course. Maybe they can get a recount by the Cyber Ninjas.
bambino's Avatar
And yet 100,000 show up at his rallies!!!!!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Good news from where I sit. As you said in another thread, it's difficult for Republicans to be competitive when Trump is figurehead of the party. Originally Posted by Tiny

This board has strict rules about drugs and you two are bogarting the Hopium there. Seriously, the John Bolton Super PAC?!? Bias much?!?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And yet 100,000 show up at his rallies!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino

Sounds like the punchline of an old joke about nearsided women. Is that joke about you, hun?

And yet 100,000 show up at his rallies!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
And at Kanye concerts. Diehard fandoms and cultists do not elections make. That’s the confusion Trumpys can’t get beyond. Just because there’s some idiots that show up at rallies doesn’t mean that everyone else is a fan.
ALL your threads are JOKES with no puchlines...
You and your partner VM NEVER dare mention the current occupant of the oval office...wonder why??
SHIT sandwiches don't sell...tabloid sells to the wackos. When does your subscription runout??
Any new headlines...democraps are here to save us
And at Kanye concerts. Diehard fandoms and cultists do not elections make. That’s the confusion Trumpys can’t get beyond. Just because there’s some idiots that show up at rallies doesn’t mean that everyone else is a fan. Originally Posted by NoirMan
Are you one of the 33% of the IDIOTS that has their nose up BRANDON'S ass??
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trumpites are so easy to trigger. Trump does it himself.

That's why he's in the shitter and his minions are in panic mode.

Feel the burn boys! We all can see it.

Maybe Fox should bring back Sandman to make the Trumpites feel righteously victimized again.

Staff Edit - Image Removed per OP Request - Biomed1
... "John Bolton Super-Pac"??!

... Your SAD desperation is starting to show, mate.

The Republican voters WANT Trump to run... He's the
HEAVY choice right now to be the nominee.

You must have missed that.

#### Salty
The Republicans could nominate Genghis Khan’s direct descendent and I would vote for him or her over ANY Democrat.
The Republicans could nominate Genghis Khan’s direct descendent and I would vote for him or her over ANY Democrat. Originally Posted by Jackie S

And THAT is the problem so many seem to miss. It's a fine until they decide YOU are the problem and focus the hate of a nation on the current distraction.

Maybe you should watch a documentary about what happened in Nazi Germany in the 40s and think about if you would like your wife/kids/grandchildren treated with that level of "respect".

There will always be the uneducated and easily fooled. If you choose to believe misinformation in the face of facts, you don't have an excuse when "they" come for "you". And if you believe Trump/Hawley/Jordan give a damn about you or those you care about, you are truly, easily fooled.