The Real Bitten Steps Up ...errr....Down

LexusLover's Avatar
Bitten: “More inflation, you stupid son of a bitch”

Now everyone knows what he thinks of females.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So, not only does he has difficulty with a teleprompter, he needs a sound guy off stage on the mic switch.

I don't understand why there isn't one already.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He apologized - haven’t seen a POTUS do that for a few years - but he wasn’t wrong.

Everybody knows what he thinks of females? Who’s the stupid son of a bitch?

Well this was clearly a case of pot, meet kettle ..... calling a Fox News reporter a "stupid son of a bitch"? it certainly takes one to know one .....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well this was clearly a case of pot, meet kettle ..... calling a Fox News reporter a "stupid son of a bitch"? it certainly takes one to know one ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
Poor Trumppocrites! Oh the outrage!

What this really shows is Biden’s frustration.
He is old
He is stupid
He is inept.
He probably wakes up every morning wondering where the fuck he is.

Frustration sets in.
Oilrig's Avatar
Hunters the smartest guy Joe knows so of course everyone else looks stupid