Bumping decayed posts

Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Is there a way that the forums can be programmed to automatically lock old/decayed posts so they can't be revived after 30 or more than days with no input?

It could conceivably save the mods some time and also eliminate the individual aggravation of pulling up a thread only to find out it's day has past.
swwaustin's Avatar
I just realized that I bumped a post that had been dead for more than 30 days.


However, I don't think we should lock down posts. I am willing to deal with the sometimes inane comments posted to dead threads bringing them to the top again, especially when some new bumps add new information, concerns, or questions.

I also like that by doing so we can keep the information in the same area. It also eliminates the need for multiple threads on the same topic.
