A Word to the Wise

biomed1's Avatar
Since I was publicly chastised last time I posted about this "Provider" in the "Alerts" section of this board, I will place this word for the wise in CO-ED this time.

At 8:32 PM, July 16, 2011 (2032 Local) an ad was placed on the Hattiesburg BP website in the escorts section.

Seems that there is a new "Provider" named Candi and she bears a striking resemblance to the BANNED FD150/MJ/MSVizz/Get1BJ.

A simple search will reveal all the drama surrounding this individual.

Here is a link to the AD:


I would personally advise anyone and everyone to have no contact with this "Provider"!

Be Careful & Enjoy!

Yes, it is her. She cannot hide her nasty self very easily.

biomed1's Avatar
Nikki 223344,

In the following post on May 15th, you said you were finished talking about her:

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Join Date: Apr 29, 2011
Location: petal
Posts: 25

Exactly, lowgear, but she still feels her actions are justifiable...that she's done nothing wrong. Anyway, I'm done talking about her on this board. My point has been made and the truth has prevailed. We should discuss more positive things starting now. Hope you had a great weekend!!!
Yet, you still fell it necessary to make comments?

Should we also remind everyone how you "fueled the fire" the last time?

I did no "mud slinging" in my post above.

You on the other hand used the characterization of "Nasty".

To quote Shakespeare's Hamlet "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"

Nikki; neither you, nor the Banned Provider came out of this dispute "Lilly White"!

Nikki, should you wish to continue your "mud slinging" or personal vendetta, PLEASE DO IT SOME WHERE ELSE!

For those that wish to judge for themselves, please see the following 2 Links:



My purpose was to inform the community, and I have done so.

Be Careful & Enjoy!

Actually, Biomed, your post in itself is enough to start a war with her. I was jusr stating that it was her. You are advising everyone to stay away from her, so contrary to what you believe, you have given her ammunition to come on this thread and retaliate. Oh, and for the record, I could care less whether your opinion of me is lily white. Whether we did or would ever meet never had or would have had any impact on my business. I do very well without you. From this point on I will not entertain you because you are far from a gentleman. You treat women as though they are below you. Moving on. I'm better than you any day.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
OK, the point has been made about "Candi," and the subsequent dialogue adds nothing. So, this thread is closed.