Fetterman: Soda Tax is “Brilliant”

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Sloth Fetterman never met a tax he didn't like

He supports raising taxes on all Americans by taxing soft drinks

Democrat U.S. Senate candidate John Fetterman is on video endorsing a regressive soda tax, calling the tax “brilliant.”

Fetterman tried to claim the soda tax is not regressive, but even his mentor Bernie Sanders said: “The mechanism here is fairly regressive. And that is, it will be increasing taxes on low income and working people.”

Sanders also said: “That’s a regressive way to raise funds.”

Fetterman even wrote an op-ed in support of the tax which reveals his nanny-state approach to governing. He has no problem imposing new taxes and government costs onto working households.

In the op-ed Fetterman actually claims the soda tax isn’t regressive because low income people will no longer be able to afford soda.
